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Contribute a Registry Provider

Brandon Waterloo [MSFT] edited this page Mar 17, 2020 · 6 revisions

Connect a Generic Docker Registry

First, try connecting your registry as a "Generic Docker Registry". Many registries will work with our existing implementation of the Docker V2 API and do not require any additional contributions.

This feature has the following limitations:

  1. It currently only supports basic authentication, or token endpoints that accept basic authentication.
  2. You must connect a private registry. It won't work for central registries like Docker Hub or GitLab that host repositories for many users under unique namespaces.

Contribute a Registry Provider

If the "Generic Docker Registry" support is not sufficient, follow these steps to contribute a new provider:

  1. Determine registry API: Most registries support the Docker Registry V2 API. In general, any registry provider contribution using a custom API will be scrutinized more closely; it is strongly preferred that all registries support the V2 API.
  2. Determine registry authentication: Most registry providers have their own authentication mechanism. For example, some require credential helpers, some require OAuth client application registration, etc.
  3. Get Started: Follow the steps in the contributing section to clone and start working in our repo.
  4. Implement: Add at least the following code:
    1. For Registry V2 clients:
      1. Add a provider registration in src/tree/registries/dockerV2, similar to src/tree/registries/dockerV2/genericDockerV2RegistryProvider.ts, and add it to the list in src/tree/registries/all/getRegistryProviders.ts.
      2. If needed, add an authentication provider implementing IAuthProvider in src/tree/registries/auth.
    2. For non-Registry V2 clients:
      1. Add an entry for your api in src/tree/registries/all/RegistryApi.ts
      2. Add a new folder in src/tree/registries for your provider
      3. Create an IRegistryProvider in your new folder, implementing all required fields, and add it to the list in src/tree/registries/all/getRegistryProviders.ts
  5. Submit a PR!

If you feel that framework changes are needed in order to support your registry provider contribution, please let us know.

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