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A Transductive Approach for Video Object Segmentation

This repo contains the pytorch implementation for the CVPR 2020 paper A Transductive Approach for Video Object Segmentation.

Pretrained Models and Results

We provide three pretrained models of ResNet50. They are trained from DAVIS 17 training set, combined DAVIS 17 training and validation set and YouTube-VOS training set.

Our pre-computed results can be downloaded here.

Our results on DAVIS17 and YouTube-VOS:

Dataset J F
DAVIS17 validation 69.9 74.7
DAVIS17 test-dev 58.8 67.4
YouTube-VOS (seen) 67.1 69.4
YouTube-VOS (unseen) 63.0 71.6


  • Install python3, pytorch >= 0.4, and PIL package.

  • Clone this repo:

    git clone
  • Prepare DAVIS 17 train-val dataset:

    # first download the dataset
    cd /path-to-data-directory/
    # unzip
    # split train-val dataset
    python /VOS-Baseline/dataset/ -i ./DAVIS
    # clean up
    rm -rf ./DAVIS

    Now, your data directory should be structured like this:

    |-- DAVIS_train
        |-- JPEGImages/480p/
            |-- bear
            |-- ...
        |-- Annotations/480p/
    |-- DAVIS_val
        |-- JPEGImages/480p/
            |-- bike-packing
            |-- ...
        |-- Annotations/480p/ 
  • Training on DAVIS training set:

    python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 12347 --nproc_per_node=4 --data /path-to-your-davis-directory/

    All the training parameters are set to our best setting to reproduce the ResNet50 model as default. In this setting you need to have 4 GPUs with 16 GB CUDA memory each. Feel free to contact the author on parameter settings if you want to train on a single or more GPUs.

    If you want to change some parameters, you can see comments in or

    python -h
  • Inference on DAVIS validation set, 1 GPU with 12 GB CUDA memory is needed:

    python -r /path-to-pretrained-model -s /path-to-save-predictions

    Same as above, all the inference parameters are set to our best setting on DAVIS validation set as default, which is able to reproduce our result with a J-mean of 0.699. The saved predictions can be directly evaluated by DAVIS evaluation code.

Further Improvements

This approach is simple with clean implementations, if you add few tiny tricks, the performance will be furhter improved. For exmaple,

  • If performing epoch test, i.e., selecting the best-performing epoch, you can further get ~1.5 points absolute performance improvements on DAVIS17 dataset.
  • Pretraining the model on other image datasets with mask annotation, such as semantic segmentation and salient object detection, may bring further improvements.
  • ... ...


For any questions, please feel free to reach

Yizhuo Zhang:
Zhirong Wu:


  title={A Transductive Approach for Video Object Segmentation}
  author={Zhang, Yizhuo and Wu, Zhirong and Peng, Houwen and Lin, Stephen},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


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