Welcome to this Microsoft solutions workshop on Architecting SQL Server Big Data Cluster Solutions on Red Hat OpenShift. In this workshop, you'll learn how to plan, implement and operate a SQL Server Big Data Cluster on the Red Hat OpenShift platform.
This workshop focuses on the Architect role (the person or team tasked with planning, designing and implementing the system). This course sets the groundwork for the Operator role (those who manage, monitor and secure the system) and the Developer role (those who create applications and background services for the system). This course is designed as a "Delta" course explaining the differences of planning, installing and operating a SQL Server Big Data Cluster on a Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
NOTE: You should be familiar with Linux, Containers, Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift, and SQL Server Big Data Clusters prior to taking this course. Resources are provided in the Pre-Requisites Module if you are new to these technologies.
You'll start with a quick review of your understanding of Virtualization and the Kubernetes Orchestration system, and how SQL Server Big Data Clusters is implemented on this environment. You'll also review the key concepts of the Red Hat OpenShift platform. This rest of the course focuses on learning now the SQL Server Big Data Cluster system works on the Red Hat OpenShift Platform, whether on-premises on in a Cloud environment. You'll also learn how to integrate SQL Server Big Data Clusters on Red Hat Openshift with the Open Data Hub project.
This github README.MD file explains how the workshop is laid out, what you will learn, and the technologies you will use in this solution. To download this Lab to your local computer, click the Clone or Download button you see at the top right side of this page. More about that process is here.
You can view all of the courses and other workshops our team has created at this link - open in a new tab to find out more.
In this workshop you'll learn more about:
- Plan a layout for the SQL Server Big Data Cluster platform on a Red Hat OpenShift environment as a solution
- Plan a sizing strategy for the solution
- Select a target location for the Red Hat OpenShift environment (on-premises or in-Cloud)
Deployment and Operation:
- Implement the proper licensing for the solution
- Deploy a SQL Server Big Data Cluster to Red Hat OpenShift
- Leverage the Endpoints and Interfaces for the solution
- Implement a security strategy for the solution
- Manage the solution using built-in tools for each component, and comprehensive monitoring with Grafana and Kibana
- Optimize the Red Hat OpenShift environment for the solution
- You'll need a local system that you are able to install software on. The workshop demonstrations use Microsoft Windows as an operating system and all examples use Windows for the workshop. Optionally, you can use a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (VM) to install the software on and work with the solution.
- You must have a Microsoft Azure account with the ability to create assets for the Red Hat OpenShift deployment (more information here)
This workshop expects that you understand Linux, Virtualization, the Kubernetes Orchestration system, SQL Server Big Data Clusters and Red Hat OpenShift platform. If you are new to these technologies, the Pre-Requsites Module contains references you can complete prior to taking the course.These instructions should be completed before the workshop starts, since you will not have time to cover these in class.
If you are using a cloud environment, remember to turn off and remove any Virtual Machines or Services from the Azure Portal when not taking the class so that you do incur charges (shutting down the machine in the VM itself is not sufficient).
This workshop uses Red Hat OpenShift and SQL Server Big Data Clusters, with a focus on architecture and implementation of an advanced analytics solution environment.
Primary Audience: | IT Professionals tasked with creating secure advanced analytics environments |
Secondary Audience: | Data Technology Professionals |
Level: | 300 |
Type: | In-Person, On-Line, or from github |
Length: | 4 hours |
This is a modular workshop, and in each section, you'll learn concepts, technologies and processes to help you complete the solution.
Module | Topics |
00 - Pre-Requisites | Requirements for knowledge and technology before you start the course Modules |
01 - Introduction and Course Scenario | Provides a quick refresher on OpenShift and SQL Server Big Data Clusters technologies and terms, and explains a real-world scenario used in the course |
02 - Planning | Covers the process for planning the layout, configuration, and other settings for a solution |
03 - Deployment and Operation | In this module you'll learn more about how to deploy your solution, and you'll deploy a sample. |
04 - Optimizing | Explains the processes, configuration, and other settings to optimize performance for the solution and the criteria to create the proper environment |
05 - Open Data Hub | Demonstrates the integration between SQL Server Big Data Clusters and the Open Data Hub project |
06 - Fraud Detection with Open Data Hub | Demonstrates how to deploy a model trained with SQL Server Big Data Clusters as an intelligent application with Open Data Hub |
Next, Continue to Pre-Requisites
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