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Tutorial tool

Localhost testing

To test the Tutorial Tool locally:

  1. Ensure your pxt repo is up to date and has been built recently.
  2. In a command shell, in the pxt repo, cd into the tutorialtool folder and start the Tutorial Tool dev server: npm run start. This will not open a browser window.
  3. In another command shell, in the target repo (e.g. pxt-arcade or pxt-microbit), start the pxt dev server: pxt serve --rebundle --noauth. This will open the editor webapp in a browser.
    1. Note the --noauth parameter. It is important to include this option when running on localhost in order to download certain required startup files from the localhost pxt server.

Requests to the /tt endpoint will be routed to the Tutorial Tool dev server.

Debug and step through Tutorial Tool code using the browser dev tools (F12 to open).

Test in staging environment

  1. In the pxt repo, run gulp to ensure production Tutorial tool is built.
  2. In a browser, go to This should return a url with an auth token embedded. Copy the entire url value to your clipboard.
    • It should look something like
    • If you get access denied, contact your manager to help you.
  3. In a command shell, set environment variable PXT_ACCESS_TOKEN with the copied value.
  4. In the same shell, in the pxt-arcade repo, run pxt uploadtrg --rebundle. This should return a url to your private build.
    • It should look something like
  • Paste in a browser and append "--tutorialtool". This should take you to your Tutorial tool build in staging.

Test in production environment

Follow the "Test in staging environment" instructions, but get your auth token from