The Presidio anonymizer is a Python based module for anonymizing detected PII text entities with desired values.
Use the following button to deploy presidio anonymizer to your Azure subscription.
The Presidio-Anonymizer package contains both Anonymizers and Deanonymizers.
- Anonymizers are used to replace a PII entity text with some other value.
- Deanonymizers are used to revert the anonymization operation. For example, to decrypt an encrypted text.
Presidio anonymizer comes by default with the following anonymizers:
Replace: Replaces the PII with desired value.
- Parameters:
- replaces existing text with the given value. Ifnew_value
is not supplied or empty, default behavior will be: <entity_type> e.g: <PHONE_NUMBER>
- Parameters:
Redact: Removes the PII completely from text.
- Parameters: None
Hash: Hashes the PII using either sha256, sha512 or md5.
- Parameters:
: Sets the type of hashing. Can be eithersha256
. The default hash type issha256
- Parameters:
Mask: Replaces the PII with a sequence of a given character.
: The amount of characters out of the PII that should be replaced.masking_char
: The character to be replaced with.from_end
: Whether to mask the PII from it's end.
Encrypt: Encrypt the PII entity text and replace the original with the encrypted string.
Custom: Replace the PII with the result of the function executed on the PII string.
- Parameters:
: Lambda function to execute on the PII string. The lambda return type must be a string.
- Parameters:
The Anonymizer default setting is to use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as the encryption algorithm, also known as Rijndael.
- Parameters:
: A cryptographic key used for the encryption. The length of the key needs to be of 128, 192 or 256 bits, in a string format.
Note: If the default anonymizer is not provided, the default anonymizer is "replace" for all entities. The replacing value will be the entity type e.g.: <PHONE_NUMBER>
As the input text could potentially have overlapping PII entities, there are different anonymization scenarios:
- No overlap (single PII): When there is no overlap in spans of entities, Presidio Anonymizer uses a given or default anonymization operator to anonymize and replace the PII text entity.
- Full overlap of PII entity spans: When entities have overlapping substrings,
the PII with the higher score will be taken. Between PIIs with identical scores, the selection is arbitrary. - One PII is contained in another: Presidio Anonymizer will use the PII with the larger text even if it's score is lower.
- Partial intersection: Presidio Anonymizer will anonymize each individually and will return a concatenation of the anonymized text.
For example:
For the text
Assuming one entity is
I'm George Washington Square Park.
George Washington
and the other isWashington State Park
and assuming the default anonymizer, the result would beI'm <PERSON><LOCATION>.
Additional examples for overlapping PII scenarios:
My name is Inigo Montoya. You Killed my Father. Prepare to die. BTW my number is:
- No overlaps: Assuming only
is recognized as NAME:My name is <NAME> Montoya. You Killed my Father. Prepare to die. BTW my number is: 03-232323.
- Full overlap: Assuming the number is recognized as PHONE_NUMBER with score of 0.7 and as SSN
with score of 0.6, the higher score would count:
My name is Inigo Montoya. You Killed my Father. Prepare to die. BTW my number is: < PHONE_NUMBER>.
- One PII is contained is another: Assuming Inigo is recognized as FIRST_NAME and Inigo Montoya
was recognized as NAME, the larger one will be used:
My name is <NAME>. You Killed my Father. Prepare to die. BTW my number is: 03-232323.
- Partial intersection: Assuming the number 03-2323 is recognized as a PHONE_NUMBER but 232323
is recognized as SSN:
My name is Inigo Montoya. You Killed my Father. Prepare to die. BTW my number is: < PHONE_NUMBER><SSN>.
Presidio deanonymizer currently contains one operator:
- Decrypt: Replace the encrypted text with decrypted text.
Uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as the encryption algorithm, also known as Rijndael.
- Parameters:
- a cryptographic key used for the encryption. The length of the key needs to be of 128, 192 or 256 bits, in a string format.
- Parameters:
Please notice: you can use "DEFAULT" as an operator key to define an operator over all entities.
To install Presidio Anonymizer, run the following, preferably in a virtual environment:
pip install presidio-anonymizer
from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import RecognizerResult, OperatorConfig
# Initialize the engine with logger.
engine = AnonymizerEngine()
# Invoke the anonymize function with the text,
# analyzer results (potentially coming from presidio-analyzer) and
# Operators to get the anonymization output:
result = engine.anonymize(
text="My name is Bond, James Bond",
RecognizerResult(entity_type="PERSON", start=11, end=15, score=0.8),
RecognizerResult(entity_type="PERSON", start=17, end=27, score=0.8),
operators={"PERSON": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "BIP"})},
This example take the output of the AnonymizerEngine with encrypted PII entities, and decrypt it back to the original text:
from presidio_anonymizer import DeanonymizeEngine
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorResult, OperatorConfig
# Initialize the engine with logger.
engine = DeanonymizeEngine()
# Invoke the deanonymize function with the text, anonymizer results and
# Operators to define the deanonymization type.
result = engine.deanonymize(
text="My name is S184CMt9Drj7QaKQ21JTrpYzghnboTF9pn/neN8JME0=",
OperatorResult(start=11, end=55, entity_type="PERSON"),
operators={"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("decrypt", {"key": "WmZq4t7w!z%C&F)J"})},
In folder presidio/presidio-anonymizer run:
docker-compose up -d
Follow the API Spec for the Anonymizer REST API reference details