Demonstrates the use of the Advanced Filtering API introduced in the version 1.7 of PowerBI Visuals Tools.
This PowerBI Custom Visual relies on the Advanced Filter API for bulk data-point selection and PowerBI Visuals Interactivity Utils for discrete data-point selection.
The visual lets the user select numeric data inputs to be displayed in all other visuals in the same report sheet. The user can either select discrete values or a range by adjusting the sliders.
See a demo PowerBI report to get an idea about the visual's functionality.
You will first need to set up your environment as detailed here.
Once you have cloned this example, run these commands to install dependencies and to connect the visual into powerbi.
npm install # This command will install all necessary modules
pbiviz start
- Code structure
- Discrete selection with the PowerBI Visuals Interactivity Utils
- Advanced selection with the Advanced Filter API
- Bookmarks support