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This folder contains a Makefile project that is used to build a C compatible API from the igvm crate. The C API provides functions that can be used to parse and validate a binary IGVM file and provides access to the fixed header and all of the variable headers and associated file data.

The C API is generated directly from the rust source files. This includes the definitions of the structures and enums in igvm_defs. This ensures that the C API does not need to be manually updated inline with any changes to the rust definitions.


The C API header files are generated using the cbindgen tool. This tool needs to be installed before the API can be built. This can be achieved using:

cargo install --force cbindgen

In addition, sample/dump_igvm and the C unit tests requires a C compiler to be installed.

The unit tests require CUnit to be installed.


The C API can be built with:

make -f Makefile

This builds both the igvm and igvm_defs rust projects enabling the igvm-c feature. In order to keep the C API build separate from the normal build, the cargo target directory is set to target_c.

The following output files are generated for the build:

target_c/[debug | release]/libigvm.a: Static library that includes the exported C functions.

igvm_c/include/igvm_defs.h: Definitions of the IGVM structures. igvm_c/include/igvm.h: Declarations of the C API functions.

The file igvm.h includes igvm_defs.h so only this file needs to be included in C projects source files.


Once built, the library can be installed with:

make -f Makefile install

By default, the library will be installed into /usr which will require root privileges. Alternatively, the library can be installed in a different location by setting PREFIX:

PREFIX=/path/to/installation make -f Makefile install

Sample application

The C API build generates a test application named dump_igvm. This application can take the path of a binary IGVM file as a parameter and will use the C API to parse the file and dump the contents to the console.

Unit tests

A test executable is built and automatically invoked during the build process. This performs a number tests to ensure the C API can parse a binary file and allow access to the fixed header and each variable header type.

A simple rust project is provided in igvm_c/test_data that is used to generate the test data for the unit tests. When adding or modifying tests or data, the test data must be kept in sync with the expected results in the unit tests.