As a developer, I want a AzDO build pipeline triggered for peer code review requests/updates #54
As a developer, I want a AzDO build pipeline triggered for all PR requests/commits.
This feature is intended to add a new azure devops build pipeline that's linked to a definition yml file from the /devops/providers/templates/azure-pipelines.yml
in the cobalt repo. The new build definition should be created in the cobalt azure devops instance here. This build pipeline should be triggered from newly submitted PR's and/or new commits to existing PR's.
We should also add the necessary folder filters to avoid running builds for documentation changes.
Acceptance Criteria
- Should assert that the checked in azure devops pipeline definition successfully passes in the Azure DevOps tool for newly posted PR's and new PR commits.
- Should assert that the build definition is running on an Ubuntu VM Image.
- Should include a screenshot of the passed build.
- Should assert there's a mocked inline script step with a sample echo message. This will be replaced once the user story for adding the unit test step is complete.
Technical Design Document
- Add a CI devops flow diagram scoped to the integration environment within the
- Fill in the README in the azure-devops folder to describe the intent / usage of the build pipeline. We should also include step-by-step instructions on how to setup a new Azure DevOPS build pipeline as well as the GitHub repo connection.
- Add the azure devops build status badge to the
in the root.
Also, here are a few points that need to be addressed:
- This feature is dependent on a azure devops service connection linked to the github cobalt repo.
Please include a screen shot
- Add azure devops pipeline definition
- Add/update
documentation in both the root and azure-devops folders.