As an engineer, I would like to automate the testing of my infrastructure deployment from local command, so that a reviewer can quickly test a pull request
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: all tests passes
given the infrastructure deployed is what is expected
when i execute automated tests from command line
then a success message should be returned indicating the test run passed
and the command line exit code should be zero (so command line recognizes as successful)
Scenario 2: one or more tests fail
given the infrastructure deployed is not what is expected
when i execute automated tests from command line
then an error should be returned indicating the test run failed
and the tests that failed should be identified
and the command line exit code should not be zero (so command line recognizes as failure)
Documentation that explains the pattern for writing automated tests. For example, file structure/organization, any resuable patterns to create new tests. This should guide new engineers how to write the automated tests.