Change to adhere to naming convention. #37
The ./setup/
script does not conform to the naming convention standard for this project.
Required changes
- Add parameter (
) for application name. - Add parameter (
) for suffix. - Remove parameter (
) for company name. - Update instructions in README.
Acceptance Criteria
Given script input parameter appname 'CbltApp'
and script input parameter location 'eastUS'
and script input parameter suffix 'Cntso Dev'
when the script is executed
then a resource group exists in East US with the name 'cblt-usea-rg-cntsodev',
and an ACR exists with the name 'cblt-usea-acr-cntsodev',
and an AAD service principal exists with the name 'cblt-usea-adsp-cntsodev-pull', scoped to the ACR resource, and role set to 'acrpull',
and an AAD service principal exists with the name 'cblt-usea-adsp-cndtsodev-push', scoped to the ACR resource, and role set to 'acrpush'.