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Tools Overview

Bot Builder tools is a collection of cross-platform command line tools designed to cover end-to-end bot development workflow.

A typical end-to-end development workflow includes planning, building, testing, publishing, connecting and evaluation. Bot Builder tools are designed to work at each of those phases of development. See how Bot Builder tools can help with each of the typical development phases:


Create mock conversations using Chatdown

Chatdown is a transcript generator which consumes a .chat file to generate mock transcripts. Generated mock transcript files are output to stdout.

A good bot, just like any successful application or a website, starts with clearly defined scenarios. Creating mockups of conversations between bot and user is useful for:

  • Framing the scenarios supported by the bot.
  • Business decision makers to review, provide feedback.
  • Defining conversation flow between the user and the bot using scenarios. .chat file format helps you create mockups of conversations between a user and a bot. Chatdown CLI tool converts .chat files into conversation transcripts (.transcript files) that can be viewed in the Bot Framework Emulator V4.

Here's an example .chat file:


bot: Hi!
user: yo!
bot: [Typing][Delay=3000]
What would you like to do?
* update - You can update your account
* List - You can list your data
* help - you can get help

user: I need the bot framework logo.

Here you go.

user: thanks
Here's a form for you
[Attachment=card.json adaptivecard]

Create a transcript file from .chat file

In the simplest form, a chatdown command looks like the following:

chatdown > sample.transcript

This will consume and output sample.transcript.

See here to learn more about the Chatdown CLI.

You can get the latest Bot Framework Emulator from here


Bootstrap Language Understanding with Ludown

LUDown allows you to describe and create powerful language components for bots using .lu files. The .lu file extends the markdown format. Ludown is a tool that can consume .lu file(s) outputs .json files specific to the target service. Currently, you can use .lu files to create a new LUIS application or QnA knowledge base, using different formats for each. LUDown is available as an npm module, and can be used by installing globally to your machine:

npm install -g ludown

The LUDown tool can be used to create new .json models for both LUIS and QnA.

Creating a LUIS application with LUDown

You can define intents and entities for a LUIS application just like you would from the LUIS portal.

'#<intent-name>' describes a new intent definition section. Each line afterwards lists the utterances that describe the intent.

For example, you can create multiple LUIS intents in a single .lu file as follows:

# Greeting
- Hi
- Hello
- Good morning
- Good evening

# Help
- help
- I need help
- please help

QnA pairs with LUDown

The .lu file format supports also QnA pairs using the following notation:

> comment
### ? question ?

The LUDown tool will automatically separate question and answers into a qnamaker JSON file that you can then use to create your new knowledge base.

### ? How do I change the default message for QnA Maker?
  You can change the default message if you use the QnAMakerDialog. 
  See [this link]( for details. 

You can also add multiple questions for the same answer by adding new variations of the question.

### ? What is your name?
- What should I call you?
    I'm the echoBot! Nice to meet you.

Generating .json models with LUDown

After you've defined LUIS or QnA language components in the .lu format, you can create a LUIS .json, QnA .json, or QnA .tsv file. When run, the LUDown tool will look for any .lu files within the same working directory to parse. Since the LUDown tool can target both LUIS or QnA with .lu files, we simply need to specify which language service to generate for, using the general command ludown parse -- in .

Generate LUIS .json models

To generate a LUIS model using LUDown, in your current working directory simply enter the following:

ludown parse ToLuis --in <luFile> 

Generate QnA Knowledge Base

Similarly, to create a QnA knowledge base, you only need to change the parse target.

ludown parse ToQna --in <luFile> 

The resulting JSON files can be consumed by LUIS and QnA either through their respective portals, or via the new CLI tools.

See here to learn more about the Ludown CLI.

Keep track of service references using bot file

You can create a .bot file using the MSBot tool. The .bot file stores metadata about services your bot consumes. The bot can connect to services stored in the .bot file using CLI tools.

npm install -g msbot 

See here to learn more about .bot file.

To create a bot file, from your CLI enter msbot init followed by the name of your bot, and the target URL endpoint, for example:

msbot init --name TestBot --endpoint http://localhost:9499/api/messages

To connect your bot to a service, in your CLI enter msbot connect followed by the appropriate service:

msbot connect [Service]
Command Description
appinsights connect to Azure AppInsights
blob connect to Azure Blob storage
bot connect to Azure Bot Service
cosmosdb connect to Azure CosmosDB
dispatch connect to a Dispatch model
endpoint connect to endpoint
file connect to file to the bot
generic connect to generic service configuration
luis connect to a LUIS application
qna connect to QNA a service

See here to learn more about the MSBot CLI.

Create and manage LUIS applications using LUIS CLI

Included in the new tool set is a LUIS extension that allows you to independently manage your LUIS resources. It is available as an npm module which you can download:

npm install -g luis-apis

The basic command usage for the LUIS tool from the CLI is:

luis <action> <resource> <args...>

To connect your bot to LUIS, you will need to create a .luisrc file. This configuration file provisions your LUIS appID and password to the service endpoint when your application makes outbound calls. You can create this file by running luis init as follows:

luis init

Enter your LUIS authoring key, region, and appID to generate the file.

After this file is generated, your application will be able to consume the LUIS .json file (generated from LUDown) using the following command from the CLI.

luis import application --in luis-app.json | msbot connect luis --stdin

See here to learn more about the LUIS CLI.

Create QnA Maker KB using QnA Maker CLI

You can manage your LUIS resources using the QnA Maker CLI tool.

npm install -g qnamaker

With the QnA maker tool, you can create, update, publish, delete, and train your knowledge base. You can use files generated via ludown parse toqna command to create/ replace a knowledge base.

qnamaker create --in qnaKB.json --msbot | msbot connect qna --stdin

See here to learn more about the QnA Maker CLI.

Create dipsatch model using Dispatch CLI

The Dispatch tool is used to create, evaluate, and dispatch intent across multiple LUIS models and QnA knowledge bases.

Use the Dispatch model in cases when:

  • Your bot consists of multiple modules (e.g. HR, Payroll, Finance as separate modules) and you need assistance in routing user's utterances to these modules and evaluate the bot integration.
  • Evaluate quality of intents classification of a single LUIS model.
  • Create a text classification model from text files.

After you have added LUIS and QnA services to the .bot file, you can build the dispatch model using:

dispatch create -b <YOUR-BOT-FILE> | msbot connect dispatch --stdin

See here to learn more about the Dispatch CLI.


The Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.


Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux


You can use the Azure CLI tool to create, download and publish your bot to Azure Bot Service.

Configure channels

You can use the Azure CLI to connect/ manage channels for your bot.

>az bot -h

    az bot: Manage Bot Services.

    directline: Manage Directline Channel on a Bot.
    email     : Manage Email Channel on a Bot.
    facebook  : Manage Facebook Channel on a Bot.
    kik       : Manage Kik Channel on a Bot.
    msteams   : Manage Msteams Channel on a Bot.
    skype     : Manage Skype Channel on a Bot.
    slack     : Manage Slack Channel on a Bot.
    sms       : Manage Sms Channel on a Bot.
    telegram  : Manage Telegram Channel on a Bot.
    webchat   : Manage Webchat Channel on a Bot.

    create    : Create a new Bot Service.
    delete    : Delete an existing Bot Service.
    download  : Download an existing Bot Service.
    publish   : Publish to an existing Bot Service.
    show      : Get an existing Bot Service.
    update    : Update an existing Bot Service.
