Highlight any instances of the text 'ToDo' in the Visual Studio Editor and display a glyph in the corresponding line.
Technologies: Visual Studio 2017 SDK
Topics: Visual Studio Shell, VSX
This sample provides a general purpose TodoTagger as well as classification and a glyph factory. Anytime ToDo appears in the text editor, it will be highlighted and a glyph will be displayed on that line.
- The binaries for this sample can also be installed via the extension manager.
- This is the sample code written during the Visual Studio Ecosystem Summit presentation I Want Coloring: A scenario based look at the new editor
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Clone the repo (How to):
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples.git
Run the sample
- To run the sample, hit F5 or choose the Debug > Start Debugging menu command. A new instance of Visual Studio will launch under the experimental hive.
- Once loaded, open any file in the Text Editor.
- Type ToDo anywhere in the Text Editor.
- ToDo is highlighted, and a glyph is displayed on that line in the glyph column.
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