When you've got a bit of inheritance going on, there can be limits to what you can do with method chaining. Say you've got these two classes:
class Animal {
public sleep() : Animal {
return this;
class Elephant extends Animal {
public squirtWithTrunk(): Elephant {
return this;
Given an instance of Elephant, you could do this:
but you couldn't do this:
Because Animal doen't have a "squirtWithTrunk" method.
Seems fair enough, but given how much code space method chaining can save, and how much that can matter in JavaScript, it's a shame. And obviously in raw JavaScript this sort of thing just works.
If the following syntax were allowed, and "this" could be passed through a method chain without its type being narrowed to ancestor types, I think that might be quite nice:
class Animal {
public sleep() : this {
class Elephant extends Animal {
public squirtWithTrunk(): this {
I don't know how feasible that would be from a compiler point of view, but as a user of the language I'd find it very useful. In the last code snippet I imagine that the return statement would be disallowed, and that the returned value would always be the current object.