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Skip typechecking; only emit (support --transpileOnly in tsc, re-open of #4176) #29651



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isolatedModules, incremental build slow, allowJs, transpileOnly. #4176


Support a compilation mode where files are only transpiled without typechecking. This can greatly improve compilation speed. Similar to the transpileOnly flag in ts-node and ts-loader.

Use Cases

At @taskworld, we are trying to migrate our project to TypeScript. We have 1400 source files.

As we try to get our .js files to be processed and transpiled by tsc, setting "allowJs": true makes tsc take a painfully long time (40 seconds) to complete, even in --watch mode. tsc --diagnostics shows that lots of time is spent in typechecking phase.

I have checked these issues:

I tried to profile the tsc process, and found that a lot of time is spent in resolveCallSignature.

If we can skip the type-checking process, this compilation phase should be faster.

This seems to be supported in both ts-node and ts-loader, since TypeScript provides the “single-module transpilation mode” (the ts.transpileModule API). So, I looked for a way to do it using tsc. Turns out, it is not available, and we have to somehow use the ts.transpileModule API directly.

#4176 (comment)

A fancier solution would be to use the compiler's transpile API directly.

#13538 (comment)

If you are willing to get your entire project compiling under the isolatedModules switch, then you can safely wire up your build system to do a simple emit of only changed files, which should be practically instant, followed by a re-typecheck.


All evidence so far suggests that we have to build our own tooling which behaves like babel -d build-dir source-dir (e.g. compiles each file separately) but for TypeScript. And so we implemented our own workaround:

// tsc-fast.js
const args = require('yargs')
    force: {
      alias: 'f',
      description: 'Recompiles even if output file is newer.',
      type: 'boolean',
    watch: {
      alias: 'w',
      description: 'Watches for file changes.',
      type: 'boolean',

const watch = require('gulp-watch')
const ts = require('gulp-typescript')
const newer = require('gulp-newer')
const tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json', {
  isolatedModules: true,
const vfs = require('vinyl-fs')
const debug = require('gulp-debug')
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')

function main() {
  let compiling = false
  let pending = false

  function compile() {
    if (compiling) {
      pending = true
    compiling = true
    const rawInput = tsProject.src()
    const input = args.force
      ? rawInput
      : rawInput.pipe(
            dest: 'dist',
            map: f => f.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js'),
      .on('error', () => {
        /* Ignore compiler errors */
      .pipe(debug({ title: 'tsc:' }))
      .on('end', () => {
        compiling = false
        if (pending) {
          pending = false

  if ( {
    watch(['app/**/*.js', 'app/**/*.ts', '!app/vpc-admin/front/**/*'], compile)


To typecheck in separate step, we simply run tsc --noEmit in a separate CI job. Also, VS Code takes care of typechecking in the editor, so we already get instant feedback for type errors.


My suggestion meets these guidelines:

  • This wouldn't be a breaking change in existing TypeScript/JavaScript code
  • This wouldn't change the runtime behavior of existing JavaScript code
  • This could be implemented without emitting different JS based on the types of the expressions
  • This isn't a runtime feature (e.g. library functionality, non-ECMAScript syntax with JavaScript output, etc.)
  • This feature would agree with the rest of TypeScript's Design Goals.



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