The JavaScript Package Manager, JSPM, is a frictionless package manager for JavaScript that is able to pull packages from various sources ("endpoints", as they are called), such as Node Package Manager (NPM) and Bower. Unifying all in one interface.
It also has the ability to load EcmaScript 6 modules through the System.js library that implements a loader.
One notable feature is its support for transpilers, traceur (with AtScript) and Babel (formerly e6to5), that brings the new ES6 syntax and features and makes it easy to get started with building modern JavaScript applications.
JSPM brings a dynamic developer experience that pulls dependencies on the the fly. When an app is ready to be deployed it can then be compiled and dependencies can be bundled.
The JSPM configuration-file is based on the NPM package.json format.
TypeScript should support this new ecosystem too.