If you would like to contribute to the PowerBI Custom Visuals CLI Tools there are many ways you can help.
First, please do a search in open issues to see if the issue or feature request has already been filed. If there is an issue add your comments to this issue.
If your issue is a question then please ask the question on Stack Overflow using the tags PowerBI
and pbiviz
- PowerBI-visuals-tools issue page - Issues related to the CLI tools specifically
- PowerBI-visuals issue page - Any other issues related to Power BI visuals
If you would like to contribute a fix or change follow these steps
- Search issues on github to ensure your issue isn't a duplicate
- If your issue or feature is a duplicate feel free to join the conversation
- Create an issue with a feature request / bug so we can discuss the change
- Submit a pull request by following the proccess below
- Install dependencies
- Fork this reporitory
- Clone your fork using git
- Navigate into the repository directory
- Run
npm install
to install all dependencies - Run
npm uninstall -g powerbi-visuals-tools
to remove your global version - Run
npm link
to link the repo version of the module globally
Note: If pbiviz isn't working globally you may need to restart your terminal.
Before you can run (or install) the command line tools you must install NodeJS.
- NodeJS 4.0+ Required (5.0 recommended) - Download NodeJS
Once the repository is linked you can run pbiviz
anywhere on your computer and it will reference the repository version. This makes it easy to make modifications and test them instantly.
Simply run npm test
to run our end to end test suite and code style checks. Be sure to run this locally before submitting a pull request as the tests will be run by our CI platform and automatically reject the PR if it fails.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.
You will need to complete a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). Briefly, this agreement testifies that you are granting us permission to use the submitted change according to the terms of the project's license, and that the work being submitted is under appropriate copyright.
Please submit a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before submitting a pull request. You may visit https://cla.microsoft.com to sign digitally. Alternatively, download the agreement (Microsoft Contribution License Agreement.docx, sign, scan, and email it back to cla@microsoft.com. Be sure to include your github user name along with the agreement. Once we have received the signed CLA, we'll review the request.