IntuneEndpointDetectionAndResponsePolicyWindows10: Throws exception if blob is empty #5246
Description of the issue
@FabienTschanz Your commit b48abe0 is now causing an exception if blob is empty, we have a policy in our tenant where the configuration type is not set and therefore the blob is empty as well, so if I try to export and then apply that to another tenant it causes the exception [0] to be thrown.
It's arguable if you should be allowed to have a policy without configuration type, the thing is that is still possible through Intune admin portal, but even if you don't agree that should be possible, see [1] where this is not mentioned anywhere so I kind of agree, BUT you must not throw an exception if you set the type to auto from connector which never has a blob assigned so the condition must be changed to factor this in.
Additionally you need to change $($DSCParams.ConfigurationType) in the exception line since $DSCParams is empty.
Microsoft 365 DSC Version
Which workloads are affected
The DSC configuration
IntuneEndpointDetectionAndResponsePolicyWindows10 "IntuneEndpointDetectionAndResponsePolicyWindows10-IntuneEndpointDetectionAndResponsePolicyWindows10_1"
Assignments = @();
ConfigurationType = "autofromconnector";
Credential = $Credscredential;
Description = "";
DisplayName = "IntuneEndpointDetectionAndResponsePolicyWindows10_1";
Ensure = "Present";
Identity = "83e155d5-f1f3-4ef9-9027-16cc24b22ae8";
RoleScopeTagIds = @("0");
SampleSharing = "1";
Verbose logs showing the problem
PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_IntuneEndpointDetectionAndResponsePolicyWindows10 failed to execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message: ConfigurationBlob is required for configurationType ''
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], CimException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProviderOperationExecutionFailure
- PSComputerName : localhost
Environment Information + PowerShell Version