To run the tests use ./gradlew check
Geb functional tests are ignored unless you specify the geb environment via system property.
To run with Chrome ./gradlew -Dgeb.env=chrome check
To run with Firefox ./gradlew -Dgeb.env=firefox check
The documentation sources are located at src/main/docs/guide
To build the documentation run ./gradlew publishGuide
or ./gradlew pG
then open build/docs/index.html
- Clone Micronaut Profiles
- Install micronaut-profiles to Maven Local
micronaut-profiles$ ./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal
micronaut-core$ ./gradlew cli:fatJar
micronaut-core$ cd cli/build/bin
micronaut-core/cli/build/bin$ ./mn
We want to keep the code clean, following good practices about organization, javadoc and style as much homogeneous as
possible. Micronaut uses Checkstyle to make sure that all the code follows those
standards. The configuration file is defined in config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml
and to execute the Checkstyle you
need to run:
./gradlew <module-name>:checkstyleMain
Before start contributing with new code it is recommended to install IntelliJ checkstyle-IDEA plugin and configure it
to use Micronaut's checkstyle configuration file.
Now IntelliJ will mark in red the issues.
In this case, to fix the issues, we need to:
- Add one empty line before
in line 16 - Add the Javadoc for the constructor in line 27
- Add an space after
in line 34
This is the fastest way to see the checkstyle issues as we modify or create new files.
The plugin also adds a new tab in the bottom to run checkstyle report and see all the errors and warnings. It is recommended to run the report and fixing all the issues before submitting a pull request.