Here you can find various scripts that are called from my automations. As I mostly use system with vice and want voice response, I try to make random messages for same announcement - just to keep things unpredictable
- almost_midnight - script is triggered at 23:30 to wanr me it's almost midnight, as I do tend to not sleep enough.
- evening_light - trying to great everybody at home when it sunset
- google_script - they are triggered when restarting HA
- midnight_lights_off - it's triggered when is executed for ALL lights.
- play music/radio - are not used
- pm10/pm25 are triggered when airquality is decreasing and under minimum expected level
- schoolnight - you guessed - warning to go to bed
- sunrise - good mornign script
- telegram - actually not a speach, but enables me to pull current location of everyone in houshold via Telegram