This is programming part of my diploma thesis at GIS postgraduate studies at University of Gdańsk called:
Noise propagation model. Implementation of International Standard ISO 9613-2 “Acoustics – Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors – Part 2: General method of calculation”
It is an ArcGIS Python Toolbox (Python + ArcPy and Numpy packages). To use it you need ArcGIS Desktop software >= 10.0.
To find more check poster.
In IsoNoise Python Toolbox there are 3 tools:
- Create Project - define project folder. Toolbox will optionally generate a template for model features (buildings, point sources, calculation areas, etc.)
- Import Data - give a paths to project features. Optionally you can only update some of them.
- Run Project - start calculations. You can choose calculation type: Receiver or Grid. Furthermore, you have a lot of settings, so if you know ISO 9613-2 Standard you can get into depth. If not just leave defaults.
- Calculation Settings
- Environment Settings
- Model Settings
Using other interpolation tools you can prepare maps with noise level areas like below: