Akka jdbc demo with Database PostgreSQL 9.4
is parent actor for DataSourceActor and is responsible by creating and monitoring of DataSourceActor This actor is created when actor system is starting
This actor is created by DataSourceSupervisorActor at the beginning of start application, contains DataSource as a connection pool for RDBMS
this actor represent particular business process in our case it is registration of user Actor per request Is parent of the rest Actors used for this business process Represents also boundary of transaction
represents SQL transaction (for JDBC is connection == transaction) Is stateful actor and its state is representing with connection obtained from DataSourceActor Each sql statement is executed in this actor This actor changes dynamically behavior depends on connection state
This actor intercepting if JDBCConnectionActor get connection in specific time from DataSourceActor, if not actor will kill JDBCConncetionActor
Are service actors oriented to domains object “User”, “Address” Are stateless actors
Are responsible by creating SQL queries and sending those queries to JDBCConnetcionActor Also are stateless actors