WP-CLI package to "environmentalize" Wordpress installation.
Makes wp-config.php
to load settings from ENV variables.
In your WP-CLI installation run:
wp package install michaloo/wp-cli-environmentalize
In your Wordpress installation run
wp environmentalize
If no wp-config.php
file is found, one based on default WP-CLI template is created.
Created wp-config.php
file has getenv
injected into Wordpress define
If you want to replace exisiting wp-config.php
, please remove or rename it before
the command.
In addition to the config, there is .env
file with all available ENV variables
Except DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD all ENV variables names match WordPress constants names. DB_CHARSET Wordpress constant value is set from DB_CHARSET ENV variable.
In mentioned three cases DB_
prefix is changed to MYSQL_
to make it compatible with MySQL/MariaDB Docker images ([refer to ]).