Tool for analyze the image quality
- python-opencv
- matplotlib
- scikit-image
$ sudo pip install opencv-python matplotlib scikit-image
Output format supported: rgb
, yuv
, hsv
, hls
$ ./ -i image.jpeg -out_fmt=rgb
23 24 232
255 255 255
Raw input images
$ ./ -i image.yuv -pix_fmt=nv21 -s 640x480 -out_fmt=rgb
Measure and plot data
$ ./ -i reference.jpeg -out_fmt=hls -o ref.json
$ ./ -i capture.jpeg -out_fmt=hls -o cap.json
$ ./ -gen ref.json cap.json
Compare of two images quality using PSNR and SSIM metric for multichannel
$ ./ -cp metrics reference_image_dir ref_pixel_format ref_video_size capture_image_dir cap_pixel_format cap_video_size
For non raw images video size and pixel format can be ommited
$ ./ -scp 0 ssim reference.jpg capture.jpg
$ ./ -scp 0 psnr reference.jpg capture.jpg
Multichannel examples:
$ ./ -cp ssim reference.yuv nv12 1920x1080 capture.yuv nv12 1920x1080
$ ./ -cp ssim reference.jpg capture.jpg
$ ./ -cp psnr reference.jpg capture.jpg
Compare of two images quality using PSNR and SSIM metric for single channel
$ ./ -scp metrics channel_number reference_image_dir ref__pxl_format ref_video_size capture_image_dir cap_pxl_format cap_video_size
Channel should be given accordingly to openCV color representation: For BGR (typical way openCV stores RGB)
- blue 0
- green 1
- red 2
For YUV:
- Y 0
- U 1
- V 2
Single channel examples
$ ./ -scp ssim 0 reference.yuv nv12 1920x1080 capture.yuv nv12 1920x1080
$ ./ -scp psnr 2 reference.jpg capture.jpg