This is for educational purposes only. External cheat application for Counter-Strike 2 (PC) written in C# using ReadProcessMemory Win API
and GameOverlay NuGet
to provide live, on-screen ESP (Wallhack), undetectable by VAC.
- Run CS2 with Fullscreen Windowed graphic setting
- Run HAX.exe (download Release)
- Profit
Works with current CS2 version
- GameOverlay
- .NET 4.8
/Assets <- icons, images
Bones.cs <- Struct representing player model visible bones
Entity.cs <- Player (Entity) class with all data like health, position etc
Memory.cs <- Class for reading memory data and window handles
Offsets.cs <- Struct with all used memory offsets (needs updating every CS release)
Rect.cs <- Helper class for storing Top, Left, Right, Bottom coordinates
Team.cs <- Enum with CT, Terrorist, Spectator memory values
UI.cs <- On-screen drawing class using Direct2D1
Utils.cs <- Helpers and utils
/Main.cs <- App entry point
- Dynamic Offsets updater
- Scan for CS2 process continously
- Aimbot
- Chams