First time ordering form JLCPCB, or PCBs in general? Or do you just need a refresher on ordering PCBs? Either way, you're in the right place!
PCB fabs take files called Gerbers. These are essentially outputted directions from whatever software you used (EasyEDA, KiCAD, etc) that contains information about the copper on the board, any silkscreen designs you have, and where to drill holes. Getting Gerbers are easy. They will usually be under some sort of export
or output
section of your software.
Once you have your Gerbers, make sure they are zipped up. This is so that you can upload the folder all in one piece.
PCB fabs have A LOT of settings for board manufacturing, and JLCPCB is no exception. Here's a rundown on what each section means:
- Base Material: What material you're going to make the PCBs out of. For OnBoard purposes, you'll board will be made out of FR-4.
- Layers: These are the number of copper layers that are in your design. This field should be auto filled with what JLCPCB detects in your Gerbers. 2 or 4 layer PCBs are the most common. Note that anything 6 and above will cost more!
- Dimensions:: The size of your PCB. Field should be auto-populated based off of your gerbers.
- PCB QTY:: Number of PCBs you're ordering. The OnBoard grant only allows the minimum, which is usually 5.
- Product Type: Don't worry too much about this setting. It mostly deals with what level of care JLCPCB needs to handle your boards with (i.e medical cannot have lead on it). Keep it Industrial/Consumer Electronics.
- Different Design: This is the number of designs within your gerber files. This number will be automatically calculated, so don't worry too much about it!
- Delivery Format: Do you want single cut PCBs? Or is your board small enough to be made into a panel? For most boards,
Single PCB
will be enough. If you're board is key-chain sized, think about whether you want to make it into a panel. If you have questions about panelization, send them intoonboard-help
- PCB Thickness: This is the thickness of your board. The default size is 1.6 mm. Unless you have a special application, I would not differ from it.
- PCBA Type - Economic. Standard is very expensive.
- PCBA Qty - Instead of soldering parts to all 5 boards, you can choose to get just 2 to save grant money. They'll ship the other 3 boards without any components on them to you.
- Confirm Parts Placement - JLCPCB will manually check whether your parts are oriented correctly for a small fee.
Then on the next screen, upload the bom.csv
and positions.csv
(from KiCAD) or BOM_PCB.csv
and PickAndPlace.csv
(from EasyEDA).
After that you'll be able to select which parts you want JLCPCB to assemble for you.
If parts like the NFC antenna are unselected, that's fine, just go ahead and click 'Do Not Place' on the popup.
Then, on the orientation screen, make sure all your assembly components are rotated correctly and touching the right pads1. If there are many issues, go back and check your input files.
After you reach the cart, click on checkout and fill out the information. And in the 3rd box, you can select either "Pay after Review" or "Pay Directly", and click "Submit Order".
You don't have the payment info yet, so just close the tab once it asks you for those.
Then, once you go to My Orders, you should see something like this:
Take a screenshot like that of your order for the OnBoard grant and save it as cart.png
Recall that components like resistors and ceramic capacitors are symmetrical, but diodes, LEDs, and ICs are not. ↩