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This file briefly describes how to setup an Open Build Service
(OBS) with the rpm packages from the openSUSE project. By default all
services run on the same system. This document does not describe how
to distribute them to increase reliability and do load balancing, but
this is possible.

An easier way to run OBS is via using the OBS Appliance. It is also
usable for a production server. Please find details here:

1. Run the backend

The backend hosts all sources and built packages. It also schedules
the jobs. You need to install the "obs-server" package for this.

1.1 Start the following services in this order

WARNING: The following commands start services which are accessible from
         the outside. Do not do this on a system connected to an untrusted
         network or make sure to block the ports with a firewall.

  rcobsrepserver start
  rcobssrcserver start
  rcobsscheduler start
  rcobsdispatcher start
  rcobspublisher start

The data gets stored inside the /srv/obs directory by default.

1.2 Start the following optional services

You may start

  rcobssigner start

in case you want to use the automatic package signing features.

You may start

  rcobswarden start

in case you want to monitor your workers

2. Start the workers
The workers ask the backend for open build jobs and do the build.
You need to install the "obs-worker" package for this.

2.1 Local worker

A worker can be started on localhost by calling

  rcobsworker start

2.2 Setup multiple workers on remote systems

A worker can be started on other machines in your network (on the Internet
too, but you should have a really fast Internet connection ;-)).
You must install the package "obs-worker" on this machine and change some
configuration files on both systems.

2.2.1 Necessary changes on machine *main* machine

Please check /usr/lib/obs/server/ on the main machine.
By default, the local hostname is used.

2.2.2 Necessary changes on worker machine

If you have installed the package "obs-worker", edit the file
/etc/sysconfig/obs-server to change the variable OBS_REPO_SERVERS to
"main.fqdn:5252" where "main.fqdn" is the output of "hostname -f" or
the IP of the machine where the repserver is running.

3. Run the api

You need to install the "obs-api" package for this and a MySQL server
on this or a remote host. When using SLE11, the needed packages are only
available after adding the SDK to the available installation repositories.

3.1 Setup and configure the MySQL database

3.1.1 Initialize fresh Database

* start the MySQL database

    rcmysql start    # use "insserv mysql" for permanent start

  If you do this for the first time, MySQL will initialize itself and
  ask to create a root password in the database.

  After starting mysql for the first time, run the program


  If you want to give the "root" user the rights to always access your mysql
  database, create a file "/root/.my.cnf" with the following content:

    user = root
    password = foobar
    user= root
    password = foobar

  Make sure that this file has the correct permissions with the command:

    chmod 0600 /root/.my.cnf

* Create the empty production databases:

    # mysql -u root -p
    mysql> create database api_production;
    mysql> quit

* If you use the MySQL database for other services, too, then
  it's recommended to add a separate MySQL user, e.g. "obs", like

    # mysql -u root -p'your-password'
    mysql> create user 'obs'@'%' identified by 'obspassword';
    mysql> create user 'obs'@'localhost' identified by 'obspassword';
    mysql> GRANT all privileges
      ON api_production.*
      TO 'obs'@'%', 'obs'@'localhost';
    mysql> quit

* Configure your MySQL user and password in
  in the "production" section of the api config:


  A template for this file can be found in same directory as

* populate the database

    cd /srv/www/obs/api/
    sudo RAILS_ENV="production" rake db:setup
    sudo RAILS_ENV="production" rake writeconfiguration
    sudo chown -R wwwrun.www log tmp

3.2 Setup and configure apache2 for the api and webui

Now we need to configure the webserver. By default, you can reach the
familiar web user interface and also api both on port 443 speaking https.
Repositories can be accessed via http on port 82 (once some packages are built).
An overview page about your OBS instance can be found behind http://localhost

The obs-api package comes with a apache vhost file, which does not need to get
modified when you stay with these defaults: /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/obs.conf

Install the required packages via

  zypper in obs-api apache2 apache2-mod_xforward rubygem-passenger-apache2 memcached

Add the follwing apache modules in /etc/sysconfig/apache2:

  APACHE_MODULES="... passenger rewrite proxy proxy_http xforward headers socache_shmcb"

Enable SSL in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 via


Generate an ssl certificate via following commands:

  mkdir /srv/obs/certs
  openssl genrsa -out /srv/obs/certs/server.key 1024
  openssl req -new -key /srv/obs/certs/server.key \
          -out /srv/obs/certs/server.csr
  openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /srv/obs/certs/server.csr \
          -signkey /srv/obs/certs/server.key -out /srv/obs/certs/server.crt
  cat /srv/obs/certs/server.key /srv/obs/certs/server.crt \
      > /srv/obs/certs/server.pem

To allow the usage of https api in webui code you need to trust your
certificate as well:

  cp /srv/obs/certs/server.pem /etc/ssl/certs/
  c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs/

3.2.2 Change /srv/www/obs/api/config/options.yml

If you change the hostnames/ips of the api, you need to adjust
"frontend_host" accordingly in


You should set "exception_recipients" to a valid mail address which
should receive notification mail if the API hits any program exception.

It is recommended to enable

  use_xforward: true

as well here.

3.2.3 Restart apache2

Afterwards you can start the OBS web api via

  rcapache2 start        # use "insserv apache2" for permanent start
  rcobsapidelayed start  # use "insserv obsapidelayed" for permanent start
  rcmemcached start      # use "insserv memcached" for permanent start

4. Setup initial distributions

The easiest way is reuse a base distro hosted at
The Open Build Service has a mechanism to reuse projects from a remote
instance since version 0.9. It is recommended to use this mechanism.

4.1 Reuse projects hosted on build service

Create the reference project pointing to the build service.
This will allow you to reuse the base distributions from there and avoids
further manual setup.

You can do this via clicking on the "Configuration" link in your web interface
on the main page. Only Admin users do see that link.

The alternative manual way is to call the following command:

  curl -0 --user "Admin:opensuse" -X PUT \
       -T /usr/share/doc/packages/obs-api/ \

If you created a self-signed certificate as described above, also add the
option "--insecure".

5. Access

By default you can access the OBS server using any browser or osc CLI
too using the URL


The default user is "Admin" with the password "opensuse".

5.1 Changing the default URLs

To change the default URLs of the api, configure the lighttpd vhosts
accordingly. Edit /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/obs.conf and add the new virtual

6. Using osc with your local build service:

In order to use the command line tool for the build service, run osc with

  osc -A https://your_server ls

for example. osc asks the first time for a user and password pair.

6.1. Test build

You can do a test build like this (for example, in a svn checkout of
the current openSUSE build server, in the buildservice/dist subdir):

Add an "OBS:Server:2.4" project with an "obs-server" package. The
following commands offer you a template project or package description
file. In the self-explanatory xml, only enable the 10.2 distro on

  osc -A http://$servername:81 meta prj OBS:Server:2.4 -e

Check whether that worked on


Do the same for the package:

  osc -A http://$servername:81 meta pkg OBS:Server:2.4 obs-server -e

Check whether that worked on


Now prepare for a check-in. This will do a checkout and locally build
using the packages from your local buildserver:

  OSCOPT="-A http://$servername:81" ./distribute

now do a check-in into the build server:

  cd OBS:Server:2.4/obs-server
  osc add *
  osc ci

The rebuild will automatically be triggered. Monitor the build status


or via osc, in the same directory as indicated above, with the command:

  osc r

6.2. Run and Stop the Service

To start and stop everything you can use the following command sequences:

  rcmysql start
  rcmemcached start
  rcobsrepserver start
  rcobssrcserver start
  rcobsscheduler start
  rcobsworker start
  rcobsdispatcher start
  rcobspublisher  start
  rcapache2 start
  rcobsapidelayed start

  rcapache2 stop
  rcobsapidelayed stop
  rcobspublisher  stop
  rcobsdispatcher stop
  rcobsworker stop
  rcobsscheduler stop
  rcobssrcserver stop
  rcobsrepserver stop
  rcmemcached stop
  rcmysql stop

To automatically start everything at system boot you can use the following:

  chkconfig --add  mysql  obssrcserver  obsrepserver  obsscheduler \
                   obspublisher  obsdispatcher obsworker  \

Use "chkconfig --del" analogously to no longer automatically start them
at boot.

6.3 Optional services

The following service are optional:

 * obswarden
   It checks if build hosts are dying and cleans up hanging builds

 * obssigner
   It is used to sign packages via the obs-sign daemon. You need to configure
   it in before you can use it.

 * obsservice
   This is the source service daemon. Older versions of OBS (<= 1.7) just came
   with a download service. Newer versions include a couple of "obs-service-*"
   packages that can be installed separately.
   This feature is considered to be experimental so far, but can be already
   extended with own services.

The following runlevel scripts are only running on the OBS Appliance for
auto configuration:

 * obsstoragesetup
   Configures storage volumes based on LVM partitions automatically.

 * obsapisetup
   Updates automatically the database layout and configures the web server
   automatically based on your network setup.

7. Feedback

Please send feedback about this file or the packages to

8. Miscellaneous notes

 * logs are located in various directories.

       apache2: /var/log/apache2
       obs: /srv/obs/log
       api: /srv/www/obs/api/log