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Camera Kit Android

Demonstrates uses of the Camera Kit SDK on the Android platform.

Table of contents

Getting Started



Open the samples project in Android Studio by opening the root build.gradle file:



This project includes several sample apps that demonstrate different approaches to integrating the Camera Kit SDK:


The current version of the Camera Kit SDK is available on the public Maven Central repository, make sure you have the following in your app's root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
     repositories {

All of the Camera Kit artifacts are published under a single version (see CHANGELOG for a summary of changes in each release) and it is possible to pick and choose the dependencies necessary for your specific project:

    implementation "com.snap.camerakit:camerakit:$cameraKitVersion"
    implementation "com.snap.camerakit:camerakit-kotlin:$cameraKitVersion"
    implementation "com.snap.camerakit:lenses-bundle:$cameraKitVersion"
    implementation "com.snap.camerakit:support-camerax:$cameraKitVersion"

In order for Camera Kit to be able to communicate with remote services to get content such as lenses, app needs to provide Camera Kit its unique "application ID" and "API token", both can be found at Snap Developer Portal. The easiest way to do this is to first define a manifest placeholder with Camera Kit application ID and API token values:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId 'com.snap.camerakit.sample.full'
        manifestPlaceholders = [
            // NOTE: replace the values with values obtained from

Then, the placeholder can be used within the app's AndroidManifest.xml:

        <meta-data android:name="com.snap.camerakit.api.token" android:value="${cameraKitApiToken}" />


Camera Kit is built targeting Java8 bytecode which requires enabling Java8 compatibility (desugar) support via Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) compileOptions for your app:

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

For more information, see build configuration in camerakit-sample-full build.gradle.


Option 1: You can simply launch Camera Kit's support CameraActivity and get the results back. It exposes all the possible start parameters through the CameraActivity.Configuration class which is passed to an ActivityResultLauncher. Please check camerakit-sample-simple for the example usage.

Option 2: For more customizations you can use Session interface which is the main point of entry to all of the Camera Kit SDK features. Session can be built using a traditional builder which allows to customize certain aspects of the SDK such as lenses data sources etc. Session builder accepts a ViewStub that is used to inflate default CameraKit UI elements into your app; you could use CameraLayout helper that covers the most common Camera Kit use cases and takes care of runtime permissions. Please check camerakit-sample-full for the example usage.

To obtain a new Session, use of one of the provided static or extension builder methods:

  cameraKitSession = Session(this) {// <- Lambda with Session.Builder as receiver 
      // Customize general functionality shared by all Camera Kit components
      configureLenses {
          // Customize functionality exposed by lenses


Session instance is typically shared within a single Android application, service or activity lifecycle scope as Session is costly in terms of memory and cpu resources it requires to operate. Once done with a Session, It is essential to dispose it using Session#close method which releases all the acquired resources in Camera Kit safe manner.

The basic use of Camera Kit and its lifecycle can be presented as:


Java or Kotlin?

The camerakit-api and the base camerakit modules are designed to be fully Java compatible therefore it does not require Kotlin standard library nor its toolchain to be available in pure Java projects. On the other hand, Kotlin projects are advised to use the camerakit-kotlin for official extensions.

Here is an example of applying a lens with Camera Kit in Java:

public final class BasicActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements LifecycleOwner {

    private Session cameraKitSession;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        // Camera Kit support implementation of ImageProcessor that is backed by CameraX library:
        CameraXImageProcessorSource imageProcessorSource = new CameraXImageProcessorSource( 
            this /*context*/, this /*lifecycleOwner*/
        imageProcessorSource.startPreview(true /*cameraFacingFront*/);

        cameraKitSession = Sessions.newBuilder(this)

    protected void onResume() {
        // Fetch lenses from repository and apply them
        // Replace LENS_GROUP_ID with Lens Group ID from
        cameraKitSession.getLenses().getRepository().get(new Available(LENS_GROUP_ID), available -> {
            Log.d(TAG, "Available lenses: " + available);
            Lenses.whenHasFirst(available, lens -> cameraKitSession.getLenses().getProcessor().apply(lens, result -> {
                Log.d(TAG,  "Apply lens [" + lens + "] success: " + result);

    protected void onPause() {
        cameraKitSession.getLenses().getProcessor().clear(result -> {
            Log.d(TAG,  "Clear lenses success: " + result);

    protected void onDestroy() {


The Camera Kit SDK artifacts ship with consumer Proguard rules which cover all of the Camera Kit specific cases without being too broad. Camera Kit is tested against the R8 optimizer running in full mode, enabled in


Push To Device (P2D)

Applications can receive lenses from Lens Studio using the P2D feature. See P2D Integration.


Applications can monitor the Camera Kit performance using the Profiling extension. See Profiling.


The following is a list of common issues and suggestions on how to troubleshoot them when integrating Camera Kit into your own app.

Camera preview is black

  • Check that your device is supported by Camera Kit using Sessions#supported method. The minimum OpenGLES version that Camera Kit supports is 3.0.
  • Check that a camera based Source<ImageProcessor> such as CameraXImageProcessorSource is provided to the Session.Builder. If you cannot provide an implementation of Source<ImageProcessor> then make sure to connect a SurfaceTexture based input to the current Session.processor.
  • If no ViewStub is provided to the Session.Builder then Camera Kit does not attempt to render any views such as lenses carousel as well as camera preview. To see camera preview without any other Camera Kit views, a TextureView, SurfaceTexture or Surface based output must be connected to the current Session.processor.
  • If a non-null ViewStub is provided to the Session.Builder check (using Layout Inspector) that the layout dimensions are more than 0 when the ViewStub gets inflated. The Camera Kit's root view that gets inflated from the provided ViewStub inherits layout parameters set on the ViewStub, check that match_parent or other parameters are applicable to your layout.
  • Compare versions of dependencies of your app to the Camera Kit sample apps. If dependency versions differ, for example the camerakit-sample-full uses androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3 while your app uses androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0, it is possible that code ported from Camera Kit sample to your app may not work as expected.

Nothing works as expected

  • Attach debugger to your app, enable Java exception breakpoints and build a Session while checking that there are no unexpected exceptions with stacktraces related to Camera Kit.
  • Attach debugger to your app, pause all threads and export their state into a text file - check that there are no deadlocked threads related to Camera Kit.
  • Capture Android bug report with adb bugreport and send it to Camera Kit developers for further investigation.
  • Check Camera Kit FAQ page.
  • Reach out to your Camera Kit partner at Snap or fill out this form to reach us directly.