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Running a DCLedger Node

This document describes in how to:

  • configure different types of DCLedger nodes: genesis, validator and observer
  • create a node administrator (or admin) account as a necessary part of validator and genesis node configuration


  • Common release artifacts:
    • Binary artifacts (part of the release):
      • dcld: The binary used for both running a node and interacting with it.
    • The service configuration file dcld.service (either part of the release or deployment folder).
  • Additional generated data (for validators and observers):
    • Genesis transactions file: genesis.json
    • The list of alive peers: persistent_peers.txt with the following format: <node id>@<ip:port>,<node2 id>@<ip:port>,....

Please check Get the artifacts for the details how to get them.

Hardware requirements


  • 1GB RAM
  • 25GB of disk space
  • 1.4 GHz CPU

Recommended (for highload applications):

  • 2GB RAM
  • 100GB SSD
  • x64 2.0 GHz 2v CPU

Operating System

Current delivery is compiled and tested under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS so we recommend using this distribution for now. In future, it will be possible to compile the application for a wide range of operating systems (thanks to Go language).


  • A part of the deployment commands below will try to enable and run dcld as a systemd service, it means:
    • that will require sudo for a user
    • you may consider to use non-Ubuntu systemd systems but it's not officially supported for the moment
    • in case non systemd system you would need to take care about dlcd service enablement and run as well

Deployment Preparation

(Optional) System cleanup

Required if a host has been already used in another DCLedger setup.

Cleanup (click to expand)

$ sudo systemctl stop dcld 
$ sudo rm -f "$(which dcld)"
$ rm -rf "$HOME/.dcl" 

Get the artifacts

  • download dcld and dcld.service from GitHub release page
  • Get setup scripts either from release page or from repository if you need latest development version.
  • (for validator and observer) Get the running DCLedegr network data:
    • genesis.json can be found in a <chain-id> sub-directory of the persistent_chains folder
    • persistent_peers.txt: that file may be published there as well or can be requested from the DCLedger network admins otherwise
Example (click to expand)

# release artifacts
curl -L -O<release>/dcld
curl -L -O<release>/dcld.service

# deployment scripts
    # from release (if available)
curl -L -O<release>/run_dcl_node
    # OR latest dev version
curl -L -O

# genesis file
curl -L -O<chain-id>/genesis.json

# persistent peers file (if available)
curl -L -O<chain-id>/persistent_peers.txt

Setup DCL binaries

  • put dlcd binary in a folder listed in $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin/)
  • set a proper owner and executable permissions
Example for ubuntu user (click to expand)

$ sudo cp -f ./dcld -t /usr/bin
$ sudo chown ubuntu /usr/bin/dcld
$ sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/dcld
$ dcld version

Configure the firewall

  • ports 26656 (p2p) and 26657 (RPC) should be available for TCP connections
  • if you use IP filtering rules they should be in sync with the persistent peers list
Example for Ubuntu (click to expand)

$ sudo ufw allow 26656/tcp
$ sudo ufw allow 26657/tcp

Genesis Validator Node

This part describes how to configure a genesis node - a starting point of any new network.

The following steps automates a set of instructions that you can find in Running Genesis Node document.

Note This part is not required for all validator owners: it is performed only once for the initial (genesis) node of a DCLedger network. If you are not going to become a genesis node admin you may jump to Validator Node.

Choose the chain ID

Every network (e.g. test-net, main-net etc.) must have a unique chain ID.

Create keys for a node admin and a trustee genesis accounts

dcld keys add "<key-name>" 2>&1 | tee "<key-name>"


  • it's improtant to keep the generated data (especially a mnemonic that allows to recover a key) in a safe place

Setup a node

Init node:

dcld init "<node-name>" --chain-id "<chain-id>"

Run node:

$ ./run_dcl_node -t genesis -c "<chain-id>" --gen-key-name "<node-admin-key>" [--gen-key-name-trustee "<trustee-key>"] "<node-name>"

This command:

  • generates genesis.json file with the following entries:
    • a genesis account with NodeAdmin role
    • (if a trustee key is provided) a genesis account with Trustee role
    • a genesis txn that makes the local node a validator
  • configures and starts the node


  • the script assumes that:
    • current user is going to be used for dcld service to run as
    • current user is in sudoers list
  • if it's not acceptable for your case please consult a less automated guide Running Genesis Node
  • you may likely want to note the summary that this script prints, in particular: node's address, public key and ID.

Validator Node

This part describes how to configure a validator node and add it to the existing network.

The following steps automates a set of instructions that you can find in Running Validator Node document

Create a NodeAdmin account

Run the following to create a key:

dcld keys add "<key-name>" 2>&1 | tee -a "<key-name>"

And provide the output address and a public key to the network trustees.


  • it's improtant to keep the generated data (especially a mnemonic that allows to recover the key) in a safe place

Setup a node

Init node:

dcld init "<node-name>" --chain-id "<chain-id>"

Run node:

$ ./run_dcl_node -c "<chain-id>" "<node-name>"


  • the script assumes that:
    • current user is going to be used for dcld service to run as
    • current user is in sudoers list
  • if it's not acceptable for your case please consult a less automated guide Running Validator Node

This command:

  • properly locates genesis.json
  • configures and starts the node

Ask for a ledger account

Provide generated node admin key address and pubkey to any Trustee(s). So they may create an account with NodeAdmin role. And wait until:

  • Account is created
  • The node completed a catch-up:
    • dcld status --node tcp://<ip:port> returns false for catching_up field

Make the node a validator

$ dcld tx validator add-node --pubkey="<validator pubkey>" --moniker="<node name>" --from="<key name>"

If the transaction has been successfully written you would find "code": 0 in the output JSON.

Notify other validator admins

Provide the node's ID, IP and a peer port (by default 26656) to other validator admins.

Note Node ID can be found either in the output of the run_dcl_node script or using dcld status command.

(Optional) Create a key for a new trustee

If necessary you may also create a key to be used for a new Trustee account.

The procedure is similar to NodeAdmin account creation.

Observer Node

This part describes how to configure an observer node and add it to the existing network.

The following command automates a set of instructions that you can find in Running Observer Node document

Init node:

dcld init "<node-name>" --chain-id "<chain-id>"

Run node:

$ ./run_dcl_node -t observer -c "<chain-id>" "<node-name>"


  • the script assumes that:
    • current user is going to be used for dcld service to run as
    • current user is in sudoers list
  • if it's not acceptable for your case please consult a less automated guide Running Observer Node

Observer Peers

The list of persistent peers for an observer is not required to match the one used by the validators.

As a general guidance you may consider to use only the peers you own and/or trust.

Deployment Verification

  • Check the account:
    • dcld query auth account --address="<address>"
  • Check the node is running properly:
    • dcld status --node tcp://<ip:port>
    • The value of <ip:port> matches to [rpc] laddr field in $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml
    • Make sure that result.sync_info.latest_block_height is increasing over the time (once in about 5 sec).
  • Get the list of nodes participating in the consensus for the last block:
    • dcld query tendermint-validator-set.
    • You can pass the additional value to get the result for a specific height: dcld query tendermint-validator-set 100.

Validator Node Maintenance

  • persistent_peers field in $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml should include the latest version of the validators list

    • you can use update_peers

      # by default path to a file is './persistent_peers'
      ./update_peers [PATH-TO-PEERS-FILE]
    • Notes

      • dcld service should be restarted on any configuration changes
      • in case of any IP filtering firewall rules they should be updated as well