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Pressing the link below opens a cloud shell in google with a cloned environment of the current repo containing the exercises.

Open in Cloud Shell

Starting a exercise:

cd basic-branching

Do the exercise from here as written in the of the exercise. Continue to the rest of exercises at your own speed.

On your local machine

Quick Start

  • Clone this repository
  • Go into the folder you want to solve an exercise in
  • Run the script
  • Consult the in that folder to get a description of the exercise

You start an exercise by pathing into the directory of the exercise and running ./ (or ./setup.ps1 if you are on windows)


We want to introduce new employees to Git, as it as vital part of writing software. It ensure we create consistency, coherency and keep a well structured history that can be create collaboratively with other peers.

This repo is a collection of exercises that without a shame is stolen from git katas.

The repo is serves a self-educational purpose, with a presentation that outlines the theory around the exercises.

Git katas has more exercises than the ones shown in here, so feel free to check them out if you want!

Suggested Learning Path

  1. setup-git-client - Setup your git client in order to do git operations like commit
  2. basic-commits - Very basic creation of commits.
  3. basic-staging - Interacting with the stage (index).
  4. basic-branching - The first stride into branching.
  5. rebase-branch - Using rebase as an alternative to merging.
  6. basic-revert - Use revert to revert a change
  7. reset - Reset is a powerful and slightly dangerous command if you do not know what you are doing. Go through the three modes of resetting here.
  8. basic-stashing - The first stride into stashing.

See for a more complete list and suggested order.


If you miss exercises or find errors in any of them, feel free to improve them and make a pull request.

You can also make an issue so we notice an opportunity to improve!

Thank you!


A collection of useful commands to use throughout the exercises:

# Initializing an empty git repository.
git init            # Initialize an empty git repository under current directory.

# Cloning a repository
git clone      # Clone this repository to your current working directory

# Git (user and repo level) configurations
git config --local "Repo-level Username"          # For setting a local git repo level user name.
git config --local "" # For setting a local git repo level user email.
                                                            # --global -> User level git config stored in <user-home>/.gitconfig for e.g. ~/.gitconfig
                                                            # --local -> repo level config stored in repo's main dir under .git/config

# See local changes
git status                  # Show the working tree status
git diff                    # Show changes current working directory (not yet staged)
git diff --cached           # Show changes currently staged for commit

# Add files to staging (before a commit)
git add myfile.txt          # Add myfile.txt to stage
git add .                   # Add entire working directory to stage

# Make a commit
git commit                              # Make a new commit with the changes in your staging area. This will open an editor for a commit message.
git commit -m "I love documentation"    # Make a new commit with a commit message from the command line
git commit -a                           # Make a new commit and automatically "add" changes from all known files
git commit -am "I still do!"            # A combination of the above
git commit --amend                      # Re-do the commit message of the previous commit (don't do this after pushing!)
                                        #   We _never_ change "public history"
git reset <file>                        # Unstage a staged file leaving in working directory without losing any changes.
git reset --soft [commit_hash]          # resets the current branch to <commit>. Does not touch the staging area or the working tree at all.
                                        # --hard mode would discard all changes.

# Configuring a different editor
## Avoid Vim but stay in terminal:
- `git config --global core.editor nano`

## For Windows:
- Use Notepad:
`git config --global core.editor notepad`

- or for instance Notepad++:
`git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"`

# See history
git log             # Show commit logs
git log --oneline   # Formats commits to a single line (shorthand for --pretty=oneline  --abbrev-commit )
git log --graph     # Show a graph commits and branches
git log --pretty=fuller     # To see commit log details with author and committer details, if any different.
git log --follow <file>     # List the history of a file beyond renames
git log branch2..branch1    # Show commits reachable from branch1 but not from branch2

# Deferring
git stash                               # Stash (store temporarily) changes in working branch and enable checkingout a new branch
git stash list                          # List stored stashes.
git stash apply <stash>                 # Apply given <stash>, or if none given the latest from stash list.

# Working with Branches
git branch my-branch       # Create a new branch called my-branch
git switch my-branch     # Switch to a different branch to work on it
git switch -c my-branch  # Create a new branch called my-branch AND switch to it
git branch -d my-branch    # Delete branch my-branch that has been merged with master
git branch -D my-branch    # Forcefully delete a branch my-branch that hasn't been merged to master

# Merging
git merge master         # Merge the master branch into your currently checked out branch.
git rebase master        # Rebase current branch on top of master branch

# Working with Remotes
git remote              # Show your current remotes
git remote -v           # Show your current remotes and their URLs
git push                # Publish your commits to the upstream master of your currently checked out branch
git push -u origin my-branch  # Push newly created branch to remote repo setting up to track remote branch from origin.
                              # No need to specify remote branch name, for e.g., when doing a 'git pull' on that branch.
git pull                # Pull changes from the remote to your currently checked out branch

# Re/moving files under version control
git rm <path/to/the/file>                 # remove file and stage the change to be committed.
git mv <source/file> <destination/file>   # move/rename file and stage the change to be committed.

# Aliases - it's possible to make aliases of frequently used commands
#   This is often done to make a command shorter, or to add default flags

# Adding a shorthand "sw" for "switch"
git config --global alias.sw "switch"
# Usage:
git sw master     # Does a "git switch master"

## Logging
git log --graph --oneline --all # Show a nice graph of the previous commits
## Adding an alias called "lol" (log oneline..) that shows the above
git config --global "log --graph --oneline --all"
## Using the alias
git lol     # Does a "git log --graph --oneline --all"


There is a very small test that you can run in powershell or bash. It is contained in the scripts and test.ps1.


You can remove testing artifacts, exercise directories, with the git clean command:

git clean -ffdX


A set of exercises for deliberate Git Practice






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  • Shell 61.3%
  • PowerShell 32.0%
  • Vue 4.9%
  • TypeScript 1.8%