This is a library for outputting qulacs's QuantumCircuit. This is written by Python, so cannot use this from C/C++ qulacs.
In creating this library, I got some advice from @corryvrequan.
- The version of qulacs when I created this is 0.2.0.
- Sorry, comments in program are Japanese.
- Numpy
Please copy&paste the file "" to your directory, and run a program like below:
import qulacs
from qc_drawer import draw_circuit #import module
circuit = qulacs.QuantumCircuit(3)
circuit.add_dense_matrix_gate([0,1], [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]])
draw_circuit(circuit) # call function
Then, you will get a circuit picture like this:
___ ___ ___
| X | |DeM| |CX |
--| |---| |---| |-----x----
|___| | | |___| |
___ | | | |
| Y | | | | |
--| |---| |-----|-------x----
|___| |___| |
___ | ___
| Z | | | X |
--| |-------------●-----| |--
|___| |___|
Program "" is test program. You can see how some gates are drawen by this library. If you run, you will get
___ ___ ___
| X | |DeM| |CX |
|___| | | |___|
___ | | |
| Y | | | |
--|001|---| |-----|------------
|___| |___| |
___ | ___
| Z | | | X |
|___| |___|
___ ___ ___
| X | |DeM| |CX |
|___| | | |___|
___ | | |
| Y | | | |
--|001|---| |-----|------------
|___| |___| |
___ | ___
| Z | | | X |
|___| |___|
___ | ___
| X | | | X |
--| |-----|-----| |--
|___| | |___|
|CZ |
----------| |----------
___ ___
|DeM| |DeM| 005 006
| |___| |___| | |
| | | | |
| | | | | 007
| | | | | | |
| | | | _|_ | |
| | | | |DeM| | |
| | | |___| |
_|_ _|_ | | |
|DeM| |DeM| | | |
|___| |___|
___ ___ ___
|DeM| |DeM| |DeM|
--| |---| |---| |----------
| | |_ _| |_ _|
| | | | | | ___
| | | | | | |DeM|
--| |----|●|-----| |----| |--
| | | | | | |_ _|
| | | | _| |_ | |
| | | | | | | |
--| |----| |----| |----|●|---
|___| | | |_ _| | |
_| |_ | | _| |_
| | | | | |
----------| |----| |----| |--
| | | | |___|
| | _| |_
| | | |
----------| |---| |----------
|___| |___|
You can pass an argument "verbose" to "circuit_draw" function. If verbose=1, the order number added to the circuit will be written.
Here, show the upper example circuit:
circuit_draw(circuit, verbose=1)
___ ___ ___
| X | |DeM| |CX | 006
|___| | | |___| |
___ | | | |
| Y | | | | |
--|001|---| |-----|-------x----
|___| |___| |
___ | ___
| Z | | | X |
|___| |___|
In default, character "●" is used to mean control qubit. But in CommandPrompt, sometimes display layout is corrupted.
In that case, please commentout a code CON_DOT = "●"
(line2 in and enable CON_DOT = "・"
Then you can get tight output in exchange for visibility. Below is example:
___ ___ ___
| X | |DeM| |CX |
--| |---| |---| |-----x----
|___| | | |___| |
___ | | | |
| Y | | | | |
--| |---| |-----|-------x----
|___| |___| |
___ | ___
| Z | | | X |
--| |-------------・-----| |--
|___| |___|
In this library, a gate name is converted to a new name which the size is max 3. Below table shows the correspondence of original name and converted name.
If original name does not exist, the converted name is "UDF" which means "UnDeFined".
qulacs's gate name | circuit picture output |
I | I |
X | X |
Y | Y |
Z | Z |
H | H |
S | S |
Sdag | Sdg |
T | T |
Tdag | Tdg |
sqrtX | sqX |
sqrtXdag | sXd |
sqrtY | sqY |
sqrtYdag | sYd |
Projection-0 | P0 |
Projection-1 | P1 |
U1 | U1 |
U2 | U2 |
U3 | U3 |
X-rotation | RX |
Y-rotation | RY |
Z-rotation | RZ |
Pauli | Pau |
Pauli-rotation | PR |
CZ | CZ |
Reflection | Ref |
ReversibleBoolean | ReB |
DenseMatrix | DeM |
DinagonalMatrix | DiM |
SparseMatrix | SpM |
Genericgate | GeG |
ParametricRX | pRX |
ParametricRY | pRY |
ParametricRZ | pRZ |
ParametricPauliRotation | pPR |