The wallhaven package implements an unofficial API for
Documentation provided by GoDoc.
- wallhaven: implements search and download functionality for
walls is a tool which downloads wallpapers from
It performs a search for wallpapers on based on the given search query and search options.
For persistent storage, a custom download directory may be specified.
go get
walls [OPTION]... QUERY
-cats value
Wallpaper categories (general,anime,people)
-n int
Download at most n wallpapers (0 = infinite)
-o string
Output directory (default "/tmp/walls")
-order value
Sorting order (asc,desc)
-page value
Result page number
-purity value
Purity modes (SFW,sketchy,NSFW)
-ratios value
Aspect ratios (4x3,5x4,16x9,16x10,21x9,32x9,48x9)
-res value
Screen resolutions (1024x768,1280x800,1366x768,1280x960,1440x900,1600x900,1280x1024,1600x1200,1680x1050,1920x1080,1920x1200,2560x1440,2560x1600,3840x1080,5760x1080,3840x2160)
-sorting value
Sorting method (relevance,random,date_added,views,favorites)
Download a random wallpaper and set it as desktop background.
walls -n 1 -sorting random | xargs -I {} feh --bg-fill "{}"
Download wallpapers matching the search query nature to the
directory.walls -o download/ nature
Download at most 100 SFW wallpapers with a screen resolution 1920x1080.
wallbase -n 100 -purity SFW -res 1920x1080
The source code and any original content of this repository is hereby released into the public domain.