Use Amazon S3 and Lambda to create image thumbnails and video thumbnails for web optimization.
-pre-create sizes that often use image
. -> We will change to On-demand later and use Cloudwatch.
converts to webm
and mp4
. Since gif
is large, it is difficult to give a good user experience when rendering.
`html <picture> <source type = ”video / webm” srcset = ”image.webm”> <source type = ”video / mp4” srcset = ”video.mp4”> <img src = ”image.gif”> </ picture>
Because the video must show the image before playback, it creates a thumbnail from the video, allowing the user to choose which thumbnail to use.
It must be installed in advance to manage Lamda, Layer.
-[aws-sdk] ( -[sharp] ( -[fluent-ffmpeg] (
Create S3-Lambda-Role
in IAM with AmazonS3FullAccess
and AWSLambdaExecute
Create stepup-images
and stepup-thumbnai
The stepup-images
bucket contains the origin
resources and is associated with the Lamda
The stepup-thumbnail
bucket contains resources created through Lamda
Lambda with node_modules is expensive and time consuming.
To solve this problem, create a Lamda Layer
and add it to Lamda
. The Layer
capacity is MAX 50MB
per layer. The capacity per lamda is MAX 250MB. Combining layers well can make them easier and reduce costs.
Layers are distributed in / opt / nodejs
, so be careful when adding Layer
to Lamda
because adding multiple layers will gradually stack up like a stack.
If you create and distribute a utility as well as a module when you deploy, you can access it as follows.
`javascript const aws = require ("aws-sdk"); const util = require ("/ opt / nodejs / util"); const fluentffmpeg = require ("fluent-ffmpeg");
-Changes to Memory-> 512MB
, Timeout-> 1min 30sec
because it consumes a lot of memory and time.
The sharp
module causes an error on Linux, so install it instead of npm install --save sharp
`bash rm -rf node_modules / sharp npm install --save --arch = x64 --platform = linux --target = 10.15.0 sharp
You need to add the created layer and press the Save button to apply it.
Create and register an S3 trigger so the Lambda function is triggered when uploaded to S3.
`bash aws lambda create-function \ --function-name resizeImage \ --zip-file fileb: //dist/ \ --runtime nodejs10.x \ --handler index.handler \ --role arn: aws: iam :: 484931367994: role / S3-Lambda-Role
`bash aws lambda update-function-code \ --function-name resizeImage \ --zip-file fileb: //dist/
`bash aws lambda publish-layer-version \ --layer-name fluent-ffmpeg-layer \ --zip-file fileb: ///var/app/layers/fluent-ffmpeg-layer/ \ --compatible-runtimes nodejs10.x
-[GIF, WebP, WebM Formats] (#https: // -[FFmpeg Encod / VP9] ( NodeJS Runtime Environment with AWS Lambda Layers (