and pydos
are two python scripts that analyse the VASP calculation
results (e.g. OUTCAR and PROCAR) and convert the results to images. It offers a
fast and effective way to preview the calcuated results. The image plotting
utilizes matplotlib
When no argument is given, pyband
reads in OUTCAR
(optionally KPOINTS
and find the band information within. It then plots the resulting band structure
and save it as band.png
$ pyband
The default output image name can be changed by adding -o YourImageName.suffix
to the above command line. Note that the image format is
automatically recognized by the script, which can be any format that is
supported by matplotlib
. The size of the image can also be speified by -s width height
command line arguments.
The labels of the high-symmetry K-points, which are not shown in the figure, can
be designate by -k
$ pyband -k mgkm
In some cases, if you are interested in finding out the characters of each KS
states, e.g. the contribution of some atom to each KS state, the flag --occ atoms
comes to help.
$ pyband --occ '1 3 4'
$ pyband --occ '1-4'
or combination
$ pyband --occ '1-4 5-6 7'
use --occ 0
to select all the atoms:
$ pyband --occ '1-4 5-6 7'
where 1 3 4
are the atom index starting from 1 to #atoms in the above image.
The size of red dots in the figure indicates the weight of the specified atoms
to the KS states. This can also be represented using a colormap:
$ pyband --occ '1 3 4' --occL
The spd-projected weight can also be specefied:
$ pyband --occ '1 3 4' --spd '4 5 6 7 8'
$ pyband --occ '1 3 4' --spd 'd'
or in combination
$ pyband --occ '1 3 4' --spd 's p d 9-12'
where in the arguments of --spd
s orbital: 0
py, pz, px orbital: 1 2 3
dxy, dyz, dz2, dxz, dx2 orbital: 4 5 6 7 8
More command line arguments can be found by pyband -h
For Mac users, iterm2 combined with imgcat can be used to show inline images. Just modify the last line from:
call(['feh', '-xdF', opts.bandimage])
call(['~/.iterm2/imgcat', opts.bandimage])
more example:
pyband --occ '3 4' --spd '1' --occMc 'red' --occ '3-4' --spd '2-3' --occMc 'blue'
command produces plotable data with a GNUPLOT
compatiable format. Files are named "pyband.dat" for spinless or SOC calculations and "pyband_up(do).dat" for spinfull calculations. Plot the bandsturcture by:
$ gnuplot -presist -e 'plot "pyband.dat" u 1:($2-3.0913) w l'
This script is used to plot partial density of states (pDOS) from VASP PROCAR
pydos -p '1 3 4' -p '2 7 8' -p '5 6 9' -z 0.65 -x -1 2 -y 0 6
where -p
specifies the atom indexes, -x
and -y
determines the x and y
limits of the plot, -z
is followed by the energy reference of the plot.
This script can plot PDOS from multiple VASP PROCARs
in multiple axes, example usages:
npdos -nr 2 -f 4.8 4.0 \
-o g1.png \
-nxminor 4 \
-i pbe/scf/PROCAR -a 0 -p 0 -pv n -tlab 'PBE-PBE' -tlw 0.5 -tlc r \
-i scf-pbe_opt-hse/PROCAR -a 0 -p 0 -pv n -tlab 'HSE-PBE' -tlw 0.5 -tlc b \
-i scf-hse_opt-pbe/PROCAR -a 1 -p 0 -pv n -tlab 'PBE-HSE' -tlw 0.5 -tlc r \
-i hse/scf/PROCAR -a 1 -p 0 -pv n -tlab 'HSE-HSE' -tlw 0.5 -tlc b \
-x -4 6 -x -6 6 \
-z 3.3129 -z 3.3726 -z 3.5583 -z 3.6332 \
-panelloc 0.01 0.95 \
The resulting figure:
This script utilize ASE to make
supercells. The coordinates of the atoms in the resulting supercell is
rearranged in the increasing order in the z-axis. It can also rearrange the
elements in POSCAR
in the required order. Moreover, vacuum can be added in the
desired direction if specified. Examples usage: -i POSCAR -s 2 2 1 -n Ti O C H -vacuum 15 -ivacuum z -o new.vasp
In the above example, we are makeing a 2x2x1 supercell based on the cell given
. The elements in the supercell are arranged in "Ti O C H" order. In
addition, we add a vacuum of 15 Angstrom in the z-axis. The resulting supercell
is stored in the file new.vasp
This script also make use of ASE
to adsorb molecules onto the slab surface.
Examples usage: -m H2O -i POSCAR -a 36 --height 2.0 -rotx 60 -v 15.0
where we add a H2O molecule above the atom with index 36 (which is the 37th
atom) by a height of 2.0 Angstrom. In addition, we rotate the molecule around
x-axis by 60 degrees and add 15.0 Angstrom of vacuum to the slab. The list of
available molecules is those from ase.collection.g2