This repository contains an example setup for Nextcloud which can be run on a Raspberry Pi. The setup contains:
- postgres => Database server used by Nextcloud.
- nextcloud => Nextcloud with embedded apache web server.
- letsencrypt => Service for retrieving and maintaining SSL certificates for the domain your Nextcloud installation will run at.
- apache => Web server which is used as a reverse proxy for Nextcloud.
You have to
- Fill in a username and a password for the postgresql database in the db.env file.
- Modify docker-compose.yml or create a new environment file to fill DATABASE_DATA_DIR, NEXTCLOUD_DATA_DIR, PUID, PGID, TIMEZONE, DOMAIN, SUBDOMAIN and LETSENCRYPT_DIR variables.
- Modify apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file with your DOMAIN and SUBDOMAIN
- Run: sudo docker-compose up -d
You have to
- Run: sudo docker-compose exec app bash
- Modify confif/config.php file to incude: 'overwritehost' => ${SUBDOMAIN}.${DOMAIN} with correct values.