Require that member overloads be consecutive (adjacent-overload-signatures from TSLint)
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
interface IFoo {
foo(s: string): void;
foo(n: number): void;
bar(): void;
foo(sn: string | number): void;
// Good
interface IFoo {
foo(sn: string | number): void;
foo(s: string): void;
foo(n: number): void;
bar(): void;
Requires using either T[] or Array for arrays (array-type)
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(async () => {
type A = Array<string>;
// Good
(async () => {
type A = string[];
Bans “// @ts-ignore” comments from being used (ban-ts-ignore)
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
if (false) {
// @ts-ignore
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
const a: String = 'a';
const b: Number = 1;
// Good
(() => {
const a: string = 'a';
const b: number = 1;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
import { no_camelcased } from 'eslint';
(() => {
const my_favorite_color = '#112C85';
// Good
import { no_camelcased as noCamelcased } from 'eslint';
(() => {
const myFavoriteColor = '#112C85';
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
class invalidClassName {}
class Another_Invalid_Class_Name {}
const bar = class invalidName {};
interface someInterface {}
// Good
class ValidClassName {}
class AnotherValidClassName {}
const bar = class ValidName {};
interface ISomeInterface {
name: string;
❌ Disabled
// Good
// Should indicate that no value is returned (void)
function test() {
// Should indicate that a number is returned
const fn = function () {
return 1;
// Should indicate that a string is returned
const arrowFn = () => 'test';
class Test {
// Should indicate that no value is returned (void)
public method() {
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.animalName = name;
animalName: string;
get name(): string {
return this.animalName;
set name(value: string) {
this.animalName = value;
walk() {
// method
// Good
class Animal {
private _animalName: string;
public constructor(name: string) {
this._animalName = name;
public get name(): string {
return this._animalName;
public set name(value: string) {
this._animalName = value;
public walk() {
// method
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
type ReadOnly<SomeType extends object> = {
readonly [TKey in keyof SomeType]: SomeType[TKey]
// Good
(() => {
type IReadOnly<TSomeType extends object> = {
readonly [TKey in keyof TSomeType]: TSomeType[TKey]
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
type ReadOnly<SomeType extends object> = {
readonly [TKey in keyof SomeType]: SomeType[TKey]
// Good
type ReadOnly<TSomeType extends object> = {
readonly [TKey in keyof TSomeType]: TSomeType[TKey]
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
interface Animal {
name: string;
// Good
interface IAnimal {
name: string;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
interface IFoo {
name: string,
greet(): void,
// Good
interface IFoo {
name: string;
greet(): void;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
class HappyClass {
private foo: string;
private bar = 123;
public _fizz() {}
// Good
class HappyClass {
private _foo: string;
private _bar = 123;
public fizz() {}
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
class Foo {
private _c: string; // -> field
protected static e: string; // -> field
public d: string; // -> field
public static a(): void {} // -> method
public b(): void {} // -> method
public constructor() {
} // -> constructor
// Good
class Foo {
protected static e: string; // -> field
public d: string; // -> field
private _c: string; // -> field
public constructor() {
} // -> constructor
public static a(): void {} // -> method
public b(): void {} // -> method
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
type Foo = object;
const foo = <Foo>{};
// Good
(() => {
type Foo = object;
const foo: Foo = {};
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(async () => {
const arr1 = Array(0, 1, 2);
const arr2 = new Array(0, 1, 2);
// Good
(async () => {
const arr1 = Array<number>(0, 1, 2);
const arr2 = new Array<number>(0, 1, 2);
const arr3 = Array(500);
const arr4 = new Array(arr1.length);
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(async () => {
// an empty interface
interface IFoo {}
// an interface with only one supertype (Bar === Foo)
interface IBar extends IFoo {}
// an interface with an empty list of supertypes
interface IBaz {}
// Good
(async () => {
interface IFoo {
name: string;
interface IBar extends IFoo {
email: string;
interface IBaz {
name: string;
❌ Disabled
// Bad
const age: any = 'seventeen';
// Good
// not that good but okay in this configuration
const age: any = 'seventeen';
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
class ConstructorOnly {
public constructor() {
// Good
class ConstructorOnly {
private _version: string = '1.1.0'
public constructor() {
console.log(`constructor ${this._version}`);
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
for (const x in [3, 4, 5]) {
// Good
// still not okay because not allowed by this rules: no-restricted-syntax, guard-for-in
for (const x in { a: 3, b: 4, c: 5 }) {
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(async () => {
const foo: number = 5;
const bar: boolean = true;
const baz: string = 'str';
// Good
(async () => {
const foo = 5;
const bar = true;
const baz = 'str';
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(async () => {
class C {
new(): C;
interface IFoo {
new (): IFoo;
constructor(): void;
// Good
(async () => {
class C {
public constructor() {}
interface IFoo {
new (): C;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
module foo {}
namespace foo {}
declare module foo {}
declare namespace foo {}
// Good
declare module 'foo' {}
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
interface IFoo {
bar?: string;
const foo: IFoo = { bar: 'bar' };
const includesBaz: boolean =!.includes('baz');
// Good
(() => {
interface IFoo {
bar?: string;
const foo: IFoo = { bar: 'baz' };
const includesBaz: boolean = ( || '').includes('baz');
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
interface ITest {
name: string;
const x = { name: 'test' } as ITest;
// Good
(() => {
interface ITest {
name: string;
const x: ITest = { name: 'test' };
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
class Foo {
constructor(readonly name: string) {}
class Foo {
constructor(private name: string) {}
class Foo {
constructor(protected name: string) {}
class Foo {
constructor(public name: string) {}
// Good
(() => {
class Foo {
constructor(name: string) {}
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
const eslint = require('eslint');
// Good
import eslint from 'eslint';
❌ Disabled
// Bad
(() => {
const self = this;
setTimeout(() => {
// Good
(() => {
// already covered by consistent-this
const _this = this;
setTimeout(() => {
❌ Disabled
// Good
(() => {
/// <reference path="../../../../node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts" />
❌ Disabled
// Good
(() => {
// primitives
type Foo = 'a' | 'b';
type Foo2 = string;
type Foo3 = string[];
// reference types
interface IBar {}
class Baz implements IBar {}
type Foo5 = IBar & Baz;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
namespace A {
export type B = number;
const x: A.B = 3;
// Good
namespace X {
export type B = number;
namespace Y {
export const x: X.B = 3;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
function foo(x: number): number {
return x!; // unnecessary non-null
// Good
(() => {
function foo(x: number | undefined): number {
return x!;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
// Write-only variables are not considered as used.
let y = 10;
y = 5;
// A read for a modification of itself is not considered as used.
let z = 0;
z = z + 1;
// Good
// Write-only variables are not considered as used.
let y = 10;
y = 5;
// A read for a modification of itself is not considered as used.
let z = 0;
z = z + y;
❌ Disabled
// Bad
(() => {
const a = 10;
// Good
(() => {
const a = 10;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
var foo1 = require('foo');
const foo2 = require('foo');
let foo3 = require('foo');
// Good
import eslint from 'eslint';
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
interface IFoo {
(): string;
function foo(bar: { (): number }): number {
return bar();
interface IFoo2 extends Function {
(): void;
// Good
(() => {
interface IFoo {
bar: number;
(): void;
function foo(bar: { baz: number;(): string }): string {
return bar();
interface IFoo2 {
bar: string;
interface IBar extends IFoo2 {
(): void;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
type Test = { x: number };
// Good
(() => {
interface ITest {
x: number;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
const arrowFunctionReturnsPromise = () => Promise.resolve('value');
function functionReturnsPromise() {
return Math.random() > 0.5 ? Promise.resolve('value') : false;
// Good
(() => {
const arrowFunctionReturnsPromise = async () => 'value';
async function functionReturnsPromise() {
return Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'value' : false;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
const foo = '5.5' + 5;
// Good
(() => {
const foo = parseInt('5.5', 10) + 10;
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
const foo:string = 'bar';
// Good
(() => {
const foo: string = 'bar';
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
(() => {
interface IFoo {
foo(sn: string | number): void;
foo(s: string): void;
foo(n: number): void;
bar(): void;
// Good
(() => {
interface IFoo {
foo(sn: string | number): void;
bar(): void;