This demo shows how to create a simple Membrane element and plug it into a pipeline.
To run the demo, you need Elixir installed on your machine (it's best to use a version manager, like asdf
If you are running the demo on Linux, make sure to have the following dependencies installed in your system:
- portaudio19-dev,
- pkg-config
On Ubuntu, you can install them with the following command:
apt install portaudio19-dev pkg-config
To run the demo, clone the membrane_demo
repository and checkout to the demo directory:
git clone
cd membrane_demo/simple_element
Then you need to download the dependencies of the mix project:
mix deps.get
You may be asked to install Hex
and then rebar3
To start the demo pipeline run mix run --no-halt run.exs
or type the following commands into an IEx shell (started by iex -S mix
Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(Membrane.Demo.SimpleElement.Pipeline, "sample.mp3")
You should hear the audio sample playing and see the number of buffers processed being periodically printed to the console.
Should there be any errors when compiling the script's dependencies, you may need to install the some dependencies manually on your system:
- PortAudio - which we use to play the audio
- FFmpeg - which we use to resample the audio
- MAD - which is used to decode audio
The pipeline takes a sample mp3 file, decodes it, and plays the audio.
The simple counter
element is responsible for counting the number of buffers
passing through it and periodically prints the number of buffers processed to the console.
The element is plugged in just before the audio player element in the pipeline.
Copyright 2018, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0