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<Pagination /> component

Starting with version 2.4.0, a customizable <Pagination /> component has been added. This is how it looks like with its default configuration:

react-native-snap-carousel pagination

Table of contents

  1. Props
  2. Note on dots' colors
  3. Usage


Prop Description Type Default
activeDotIndex Index of the currently active dot Number Required
dotsLength Number of dots to display Number Required
activeOpacity Opacity of the dot when tapped. The prop has no effect if tappableDots hasn't been set to true. Number 1
carouselRef Reference to the Carousel component to which pagination is linked. Needed only when setting tappableDots to true. Object undefined
containerStyle Style for dots' container that will be merged with the default one View Style Object {}
dotColor Background color of the active dot. Use this if you want to animate the change between active and inactive colors, and always in conjunction with inactiveDotColor (see notes). String undefined
dotContainerStyle Style of each dot's container. Use this if you need to specify styles that wouldn't have any effect when defined with dotStyle (such as flex). View Style Object {}
dotElement Optional custom active dot element that will replace the default one. The element will receive a prop active set to true as well as a prop index. React element undefined
dotStyle Dots' style that will be merged with the default one View Style Object {}
inactiveDotColor Background color of the inactive dots. Use this if you want to animate the change between active and inactive colors, and always in conjunction with dotColor (see notes). String undefined
inactiveDotElement Optional custom inactive dot element that will replace the default one. The element will receive a prop active set to false as well as a prop index React element undefined
inactiveDotOpacity Value of the opacity effect applied to inactive dots Number 0.5
inactiveDotScale Value of the 'scale' transform applied to inactive dots Number 0.5
inactiveDotStyle Dots' style that will be applied to inactive elements View Style Object {}
renderDots Function that gives you complete control over pagination's rendering. It will receive three parameters : (activeIndex, total, context). This can be especially useful in order to replace dots with numbers. ⚠️ You will need to provide your own logic to handle taps. See this comment for more info. Function undefined
tappableDots Make default dots tappable, e.g. your carousel will slide to the corresponding item. Note that carouselRef must be specified for this to work. Boolean false
vertical Whether to layout dots vertically or horizontally Boolean false
animatedDuration Length of dot animation (milliseconds) Number 250
animatedFriction Controls "bounciness"/overshoot on dot animation Number 4
animatedTension Controls speed dot animation Number 50
delayPressInDot Delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before onPressIn is called on dot Number 0

Note on dots' colors

If your active and inactive dots aren't of the same color, you have a choice to make:

  1. either animate the color transition by specifying both dotColor and inactiveDotColor
  2. or setting { backgroundColor } in both dotStyle and inactiveDotStyle.

When animating the color transition, the dot component will no longer be able to use the native driver for scale and opacity transitions. As stated in React Native's doc, color animations aren't supported by the native driver. And, unfortunately, it doesn't seem currently possible to run native-powered and js-powered animations at the same time on the same element.

Basically, this is a tradeoff between color transition and optimal smoothness. We recommended you to try the first version and, if you experiment performance drops, to settle for the second one.


Since <Pagination /> is, purposely, a separated component, you need to connect it to your <Carousel /> component manually. This is pretty straightforward, but here is an example to get you started.

import Carousel, { Pagination } from 'react-native-snap-carousel';

export default class MyCarousel extends Component {

    _renderItem ({item, index}) {
        return <MySlideComponent data={item} />

    get pagination () {
        const { entries, activeSlide } = this.state;
        return (
              containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)' }}
                  width: 10,
                  height: 10,
                  borderRadius: 5,
                  marginHorizontal: 8,
                  backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.92)'
                  // Define styles for inactive dots here

    render () {
        return (
                  onSnapToItem={(index) => this.setState({ activeSlide: index }) }
                { this.pagination }