Wake up in the morning
Go out with friends
Take a shower
Do some GitHub tasks
Play Mario Kart with friends
Attend classes
Play table tennis with friends
Sleep early
Exercise for 30 minutes
Submit this week pull request
Visit the Barber
Learn how to contribute to open source projects
Practice with GitHub
Sleep early
Practice with GitHub
Book a physio appointment
Make myself an iced-coffee
Make a contribution
Study for PHYS Exam
Finish Comp Sci II Lab
Follow the Open-Source course
Attend the product team's meeting
Call my friend
Contribute to my first open source project.
Send an Email
Make all my contributions today.
Take the puppy for a walk.
Revise my work.
Make a contribution.
Make coffee.
Walk the dog.
Start with Github.
Make lunch.
Continue with python.
Start Open Source
Finish College Application