Sample project for the issue #37 in BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build.
- Create a new Blazor WebAssembly App using the template in Visual Studio
- Add package BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build (3.1.0-preview.3)
- Add package SpawnDev.BlazorJS.WebWorkers (2.2.8)
- Extract ConfigureServices in program.cs according to BlazorWasmPreRendering docs
- Register SpawnDev.BlazorJS.WebWorkers services in program.cs
- Add an example worker (IMyWorker.cs, MyWorker.cs)
- Inject WebWorkerService to Counter.razor
- Change IncrementCount() to use the web worker:
private async void IncrementCount()
using var webWorker = await WorkerService.GetWebWorker();
var myWorker = webWorker.GetService<IMyWorker>();
var result = await myWorker.Add(currentCount, 1);
- Start the app, and press the Click Me button on the Counter page
throws an exception when the worker starts, because the DOM is not available in web workers:
MONO_WASM: Failed to invoke 'afterStarted' on library initializer '../_content/BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build/BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build.lib.module.js': TypeError: n.createNodeIterator is not a function