I like to treat programming as art 🎨, and see things working beautifully when put together.
Obs.: Yeah, I know computers don't care if our code is beautiful or... do they? 🤖🤖🤖
- 🔭 Currently working from home 🏠 as a software and data engineer.
- 🤓 I’m looking to collaborate on any projects that can make me learn new things.
- 📫 How to reach me: gabriel.medina.braga@hotmail.com, medina_cdz@hotmail.com, gabriel.medina@ufms.br, 💼 Gabriel Medina Braga
- 😄 Pronouns: He/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I won't get mad if you ask me if I surf
- 💜 Loving: cooking new meals, learning new songs, taking care of my health, tattoos, Kattie 😜.
Ok back to work now 🙂!