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Large-scale image classification networks for embedded systems

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This repository contains several classification models on MXNet/Gluon, PyTorch, Chainer, and Keras, with scripts for training/validating/converting models. All models are designed for using with ImageNet-1k dataset.


For Gluon way

To use only Gluon models in your project, simply install the gluoncv2 package with mxnet:

pip install gluoncv2 mxnet>=1.2.1

To enable different hardware supports such as GPUs, check out MXNet variants. For example, you can install with CUDA-9.2 supported MXNet:

pip install gluoncv2 mxnet-cu92>=1.2.1

For PyTorch way

To use only PyTorch models in your project, simply install the pytorchcv package with torch (>=0.4.1 is recommended):

pip install pytorchcv torch>=0.4.0

To enable/disable different hardware supports such as GPUs, check out PyTorch installation instructions.

For Chainer way

To use only Chainer models in your project, simply install the chainercv2 package:

pip install chainercv2

For Keras way

To use only Keras models in your project, simply install the kerascv package with mxnet:

pip install kerascv mxnet>=1.2.1

To enable different hardware supports such as GPUs, check out MXNet variants. For example, you can install with CUDA-9.2 supported MXNet:

pip install kerascv mxnet-cu92>=1.2.1

After installation change the value of the field image_data_format to channels_first in the file ~/.keras/keras.json.

For research

To use the repository for training/validation/converting models:

git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt


For Gluon way

Example of using the pretrained ResNet-18 model on Gluon:

from gluoncv2.model_provider import get_model as glcv2_get_model
import mxnet as mx

net = glcv2_get_model("resnet18", pretrained=True)
x = mx.nd.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224), ctx=mx.cpu())
y = net(x)

For PyTorch way

Example of using the pretrained ResNet-18 model on PyTorch:

from pytorchcv.model_provider import get_model as ptcv_get_model
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable

net = ptcv_get_model("resnet18", pretrained=True)
x = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224))
y = net(x)

For Chainer way

Example of using the pretrained ResNet-18 model on Chainer:

from chainercv2.model_provider import get_model as chcv2_get_model
import numpy as np

net = chcv2_get_model("resnet18", pretrained=True)
x = np.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224), np.float32)
y = net(x)

For Keras way

Example of using the pretrained ResNet-18 model on Keras:

from kerascv.model_provider import get_model as kecv_get_model
import numpy as np

net = kecv_get_model("resnet18", pretrained=True)
x = np.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224), np.float32)
y = net.predict(x)

List of models

Pretrained models

Some remarks:

  • All pretrained models can be downloaded automatically during use (use the parameter pretrained).
  • Top1/Top5 are the standard 1-crop Top-1/Top-5 errors (in percents) on the validation subset of the ImageNet1k dataset.
  • ResNet/PreResNet with b-suffix is a version of the networks with the stride in the second convolution of the bottleneck block. Respectively a network without b-suffix has the stride in the first convolution.
  • ResNet/PreResNet models do not use biasses in convolutions at all.
  • CondenseNet models are only so-called converted versions.
  • All models have an input 224x224 with ordinary normalization.

For Gluon

Model Top1 Top5 Params FLOPs Remarks
ResNet-10 37.09 15.55 5,418,792 892.62M Training (log)
ResNet-12 35.86 14.46 5,492,776 1,124.23M Training (log)
ResNet-14 32.85 12.41 5,788,200 1,355.64M Training (log)
ResNet-16 30.68 11.10 6,968,872 1,586.95M Training (log)
ResNet-18 x0.25 49.16 24.45 831,096 136.64M Training (log)
ResNet-18 x0.5 36.54 14.96 3,055,880 485.22M Training (log)
ResNet-18 x0.75 33.25 12.54 6,675,352 1,045.75M Training (log)
ResNet-18 29.13 9.94 11,689,512 1,818.21M Training (log)
ResNet-34 25.34 7.92 21,797,672 3,669.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50 23.50 6.87 25,557,032 3,868.96M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50b 22.92 6.44 25,557,032 4,100.70M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101 21.66 5.99 44,549,160 7,586.30M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101b 21.18 5.60 44,549,160 7,818.04M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152 21.01 5.61 60,192,808 11,304.85M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152b 20.54 5.37 60,192,808 11,536.58M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-18 28.72 9.88 11,687,848 1,818.41M Training (log)
PreResNet-34 25.88 8.11 21,796,008 3,669.36M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50 23.39 6.68 25,549,480 3,869.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50b 23.16 6.64 25,549,480 4,100.90M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101 21.45 5.75 44,541,608 7,586.50M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101b 21.73 5.88 44,541,608 7,818.24M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152 20.70 5.32 60,185,256 11,305.05M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152b 21.00 5.75 60,185,256 11,536.78M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-200b 21.10 5.64 64,666,280 15,040.27M From tornadomeet/ResNet (log)
ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 21.32 5.79 44,177,704 7,991.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
ResNeXt-101 (64x4d) 20.60 5.41 83,455,272 15,491.88M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-50 22.51 6.44 28,088,024 3,877.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-101 21.92 5.89 49,326,872 7,600.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-152 21.48 5.77 66,821,848 11,324.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-50 (32x4d) 21.06 5.58 27,559,896 4,253.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 19.99 5.00 48,955,416 8,005.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SENet-154 18.84 4.65 115,088,984 20,742.40M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DenseNet-121 25.11 7.80 7,978,856 2,852.39M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-161 22.40 6.18 28,681,000 7,761.25M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-169 23.89 6.89 14,149,480 3,381.48M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-201 22.71 6.36 20,013,928 4,318.75M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=4) 26.82 8.64 4,773,944 533.64M From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log)
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=8) 29.76 10.49 2,935,416 278.55M From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log)
DPN-68 23.57 7.00 12,611,602 2,338.71M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DPN-98 20.23 5.28 61,570,728 11,702.80M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DPN-131 20.03 5.22 79,254,504 16,056.22M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DarkNet Tiny 43.36 19.46 1,042,104 496.34M Training (log)
DarkNet Ref 38.00 16.68 7,319,416 365.55M Training (log)
SqueezeNet v1.0 40.97 18.96 1,248,424 828.30M Training (log)
SqueezeNet v1.1 41.37 19.20 1,235,496 354.88M Training (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x0.5 40.98 18.53 1,366,792 42.34M Training (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.0 33.97 13.41 2,278,604 147.92M Training (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.5 32.38 12.37 4,406,098 318.61M Training (log)
108-MENet-8x1 (g=3) 46.11 22.37 654,516 40.64M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
128-MENet-8x1 (g=4) 45.80 21.93 750,796 43.58M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
228-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 35.03 13.99 1,806,568 148.93M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
256-MENet-12x1 (g=4) 34.49 13.90 1,888,240 146.11M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
348-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 31.17 11.41 3,368,128 306.31M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
352-MENet-12x1 (g=8) 34.70 13.75 2,272,872 151.03M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
456-MENet-24x1 (g=3) 29.57 10.43 5,304,784 560.72M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
MobileNet x0.25 45.78 22.18 470,072 42.30M Training (log)
MobileNet x0.5 36.12 14.81 1,331,592 152.04M Training (log)
MobileNet x0.75 32.71 12.28 2,585,560 329.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNet x1.0 29.25 10.03 4,231,976 573.83M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.25 56.73 31.99 383,160 12.44M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.5 44.66 21.08 993,928 40.93M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x1.0 35.95 14.72 2,901,288 146.08M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.25 48.89 25.24 1,516,392 32.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.5 35.51 14.64 1,964,736 95.62M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.75 30.82 11.26 2,627,592 191.61M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x1.0 28.51 9.90 3,504,960 320.19M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
NASNet-A-Mobile 25.37 7.95 5,289,978 587.29M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)

For PyTorch

Model Top1 Top5 Params FLOPs Remarks
ResNet-10 37.46 15.85 5,418,792 892.62M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-12 36.18 14.80 5,492,776 1,124.23M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-14 33.17 12.71 5,788,200 1,355.64M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-16 30.90 11.38 6,968,872 1,586.95M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.25 49.50 24.83 831,096 136.64M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.5 37.04 15.38 3,055,880 485.22M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.75 33.61 12.85 6,675,352 1,045.75M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 29.52 10.21 11,689,512 1,818.21M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-34 25.66 8.18 21,797,672 3,669.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50 23.79 7.05 25,557,032 3,868.96M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50b 23.05 6.65 25,557,032 4,100.70M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101 21.90 6.22 44,549,160 7,586.30M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101b 21.45 5.81 44,549,160 7,818.04M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152 21.26 5.82 60,192,808 11,304.85M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152b 20.74 5.50 60,192,808 11,536.58M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-18 29.09 10.18 11,687,848 1,818.41M Converted from GL model (log)
PreResNet-34 26.23 8.41 21,796,008 3,669.36M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50 23.70 6.85 25,549,480 3,869.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50b 23.33 6.87 25,549,480 4,100.90M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101 21.74 5.91 44,541,608 7,586.50M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101b 21.95 6.03 44,541,608 7,818.24M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152 20.94 5.55 60,185,256 11,305.05M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152b 21.34 5.91 60,185,256 11,536.78M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-200b 21.33 5.88 64,666,280 15,040.27M From tornadomeet/ResNet (log)
ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 21.81 6.11 44,177,704 7,991.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
ResNeXt-101 (64x4d) 21.04 5.75 83,455,272 15,491.88M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-50 22.47 6.40 28,088,024 3,877.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-101 21.88 5.89 49,326,872 7,600.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-152 21.48 5.76 66,821,848 11,324.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-50 (32x4d) 21.00 5.54 27,559,896 4,253.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 19.96 5.05 48,955,416 8,005.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SENet-154 18.62 4.61 115,088,984 20,742.40M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DenseNet-121 25.57 8.03 7,978,856 2,852.39M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-161 22.86 6.44 28,681,000 7,761.25M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-169 24.40 7.19 14,149,480 3,381.48M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-201 23.10 6.63 20,013,928 4,318.75M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=4) 26.25 8.28 4,773,944 533.64M From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log)
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=8) 28.93 10.06 2,935,416 278.55M From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log)
DPN-68 24.17 7.27 12,611,602 2,338.71M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DPN-98 20.81 5.53 61,570,728 11,702.80M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DPN-131 20.54 5.48 79,254,504 16,056.22M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DarkNet Tiny 43.65 19.80 1,042,104 496.34M Converted from GL model (log)
DarkNet Ref 38.58 17.18 7,319,416 365.55M Converted from GL model (log)
SqueezeNet v1.0 41.31 19.32 1,248,424 828.30M Converted from GL model (log)
SqueezeNet v1.1 41.82 19.38 1,235,496 354.88M Converted from TorchVision (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x0.5 41.48 19.02 1,366,792 42.34M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.0 34.39 13.78 2,278,604 147.92M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.5 32.82 12.69 4,406,098 318.61M Converted from GL model (log)
108-MENet-8x1 (g=3) 43.92 20.76 654,516 40.64M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
128-MENet-8x1 (g=4) 43.95 20.62 750,796 43.58M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
228-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 33.57 13.28 1,806,568 148.93M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
256-MENet-12x1 (g=4) 33.41 13.26 1,888,240 146.11M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
348-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 30.10 10.92 3,368,128 306.31M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
352-MENet-12x1 (g=8) 33.31 13.08 2,272,872 151.03M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
456-MENet-24x1 (g=3) 28.40 9.93 5,304,784 560.72M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
MobileNet x0.25 46.26 22.49 470,072 42.30M Converted from GL model (log)
MobileNet x0.5 36.30 15.14 1,331,592 152.04M Converted from GL model (log)
MobileNet x0.75 33.54 12.85 2,585,560 329.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNet x1.0 29.86 10.36 4,231,976 573.83M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.25 55.77 31.32 383,160 12.44M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.5 43.85 20.72 993,928 40.93M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x1.0 34.70 14.05 2,901,288 146.08M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.25 49.72 25.87 1,516,392 32.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.5 36.54 15.19 1,964,736 95.62M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.75 31.89 11.76 2,627,592 191.61M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x1.0 29.31 10.39 3,504,960 320.19M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
NASNet-A-Mobile 25.68 8.16 5,289,978 587.29M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)

For Chainer

Model Top1 Top5 Params FLOPs Remarks
ResNet-10 37.12 15.49 5,418,792 892.62M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-12 35.86 14.48 5,492,776 1,124.23M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-14 32.84 12.42 5,788,200 1,355.64M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-16 30.66 11.07 6,968,872 1,586.95M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.25 49.08 24.48 831,096 136.64M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.5 36.55 14.99 3,055,880 485.22M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.75 33.27 12.56 6,675,352 1,045.75M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 29.08 9.97 11,689,512 1,818.21M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-34 25.35 7.95 21,797,672 3,669.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50 23.50 6.83 25,557,032 3,868.96M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50b 22.93 6.46 25,557,032 4,100.70M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101 21.65 6.01 44,549,160 7,586.30M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101b 21.16 5.59 44,549,160 7,818.04M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152 21.07 5.67 60,192,808 11,304.85M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152b 20.44 5.39 60,192,808 11,536.58M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-18 28.66 9.92 11,687,848 1,818.41M Converted from GL model (log)
PreResNet-34 25.89 8.12 21,796,008 3,669.36M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50 23.36 6.69 25,549,480 3,869.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50b 23.08 6.67 25,549,480 4,100.90M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101 21.45 5.75 44,541,608 7,586.50M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101b 21.61 5.87 44,541,608 7,818.24M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152 20.73 5.30 60,185,256 11,305.05M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152b 20.88 5.66 60,185,256 11,536.78M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-200b 21.03 5.60 64,666,280 15,040.27M From tornadomeet/ResNet (log)
ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 21.11 5.69 44,177,704 7,991.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
ResNeXt-101 (64x4d) 20.57 5.43 83,455,272 15,491.88M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-50 22.53 6.41 28,088,024 3,877.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-101 21.90 5.88 49,326,872 7,600.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-152 21.46 5.77 66,821,848 11,324.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-50 (32x4d) 21.04 5.58 27,559,896 4,253.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 19.99 5.01 48,955,416 8,005.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SENet-154 18.79 4.63 115,088,984 20,742.40M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DenseNet-121 25.04 7.79 7,978,856 2,852.39M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-161 22.36 6.20 28,681,000 7,761.25M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-169 23.85 6.86 14,149,480 3,381.48M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-201 22.64 6.29 20,013,928 4,318.75M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=4) 26.81 8.61 4,773,944 533.64M From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log)
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=8) 29.74 10.43 2,935,416 278.55M From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log)
DPN-68 23.61 7.01 12,611,602 2,338.71M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DPN-98 20.80 5.53 61,570,728 11,702.80M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DPN-131 20.04 5.23 79,254,504 16,056.22M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DarkNet Tiny 43.31 19.47 1,042,104 496.34M Converted from GL model (log)
DarkNet Ref 38.09 16.71 7,319,416 365.55M Converted from GL model (log)
SqueezeNet v1.0 41.01 18.96 1,248,424 828.30M Converted from GL model (log)
SqueezeNet v1.1 41.36 19.25 1,235,496 354.88M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x0.5 43.80 20.87 1,366,792 42.34M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.0 36.48 15.19 2,278,604 147.92M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.5 33.96 13.37 4,406,098 318.61M Converted from GL model (log)
108-MENet-8x1 (g=3) 46.07 22.42 654,516 40.64M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
128-MENet-8x1 (g=4) 45.82 21.91 750,796 43.58M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
228-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 34.93 14.01 1,806,568 148.93M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
256-MENet-12x1 (g=4) 34.44 13.91 1,888,240 146.11M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
348-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 31.14 11.40 3,368,128 306.31M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
352-MENet-12x1 (g=8) 34.62 13.68 2,272,872 151.03M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
456-MENet-24x1 (g=3) 29.55 10.39 5,304,784 560.72M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
MobileNet x0.25 45.85 22.16 470,072 42.30M Converted from GL model (log)
MobileNet x0.5 36.15 14.86 1,331,592 152.04M Converted from GL model (log)
MobileNet x0.75 33.24 12.52 2,585,560 329.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNet x1.0 29.71 10.31 4,231,976 573.83M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.25 56.67 31.96 383,160 12.44M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.5 44.67 21.09 993,928 40.93M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x1.0 35.94 14.70 2,901,288 146.08M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.25 49.11 25.49 1,516,392 32.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.5 35.96 14.98 1,964,736 95.62M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.75 31.28 11.48 2,627,592 191.61M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x1.0 28.87 10.05 3,504,960 320.19M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
NASNet-A-Mobile 25.78 8.32 5,289,978 587.29M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)

For Keras

Model Top1 Top5 Params FLOPs Remarks
ResNet-10 37.09 15.54 5,418,792 892.62M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-12 35.86 14.45 5,492,776 1,124.23M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-14 32.85 12.42 5,788,200 1,355.64M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-16 30.67 11.09 6,968,872 1,586.95M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.25 49.14 24.45 831,096 136.64M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.5 36.54 14.96 3,055,880 485.22M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 x0.75 33.24 12.54 6,675,352 1,045.75M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-18 29.13 9.94 11,689,512 1,818.21M Converted from GL model (log)
ResNet-34 25.32 7.92 21,797,672 3,669.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50 23.49 6.87 25,557,032 3,868.96M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-50b 22.90 6.44 25,557,032 4,100.70M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101 21.64 5.99 44,549,160 7,586.30M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-101b 21.17 5.60 44,549,160 7,818.04M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152 21.00 5.61 60,192,808 11,304.85M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
ResNet-152b 20.53 5.37 60,192,808 11,536.58M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-18 28.72 9.88 11,687,848 1,818.41M Converted from GL model (log)
PreResNet-34 25.86 8.11 21,796,008 3,669.36M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50 23.38 6.68 25,549,480 3,869.16M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-50b 23.14 6.63 25,549,480 4,100.90M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101 21.43 5.75 44,541,608 7,586.50M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-101b 21.71 5.88 44,541,608 7,818.24M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152 20.69 5.31 60,185,256 11,305.05M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-152b 20.99 5.76 60,185,256 11,536.78M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
PreResNet-200b 21.09 5.64 64,666,280 15,040.27M From tornadomeet/ResNet (log)
ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 21.30 5.78 44,177,704 7,991.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
ResNeXt-101 (64x4d) 20.59 5.41 83,455,272 15,491.88M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-50 22.50 6.43 28,088,024 3,877.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-101 21.92 5.88 49,326,872 7,600.01M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNet-152 21.46 5.77 66,821,848 11,324.62M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-50 (32x4d) 21.05 5.57 27,559,896 4,253.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SE-ResNeXt-101 (32x4d) 19.98 4.99 48,955,416 8,005.33M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
SENet-154 18.83 4.65 115,088,984 20,742.40M From Cadene/pretrained...pytorch (log)
DenseNet-121 25.09 07.80 7,978,856 2,852.39M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-161 22.39 6.18 28,681,000 7,761.25M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-169 23.88 6.89 14,149,480 3,381.48M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DenseNet-201 22.69 6.35 20,013,928 4,318.75M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
DarkNet Tiny 43.35 19.46 1,042,104 496.34M Converted from GL model (log)
DarkNet Ref 37.99 16.68 7,319,416 365.55M Converted from GL model (log)
SqueezeNet v1.0 41.07 19.04 1,248,424 828.30M Converted from GL model (log)
SqueezeNet v1.1 41.37 19.20 1,235,496 354.88M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x0.5 41.00 18.68 1,366,792 42.34M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.0 33.82 13.49 2,278,604 147.92M Converted from GL model (log)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.5 32.46 12.47 4,406,098 318.61M Converted from GL model (log)
108-MENet-8x1 (g=3) 46.09 22.37 654,516 40.64M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
128-MENet-8x1 (g=4) 45.78 21.93 750,796 43.58M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
228-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 35.02 14.01 1,806,568 148.93M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
256-MENet-12x1 (g=4) 34.48 13.91 1,888,240 146.11M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
348-MENet-12x1 (g=3) 31.17 11.42 3,368,128 306.31M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
352-MENet-12x1 (g=8) 34.69 13.75 2,272,872 151.03M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
456-MENet-24x1 (g=3) 29.55 10.44 5,304,784 560.72M From clavichord93/MENet (log)
MobileNet x0.25 45.80 22.17 470,072 42.30M Converted from GL model (log)
MobileNet x0.5 36.11 14.81 1,331,592 152.04M Converted from GL model (log)
MobileNet x0.75 32.71 12.28 2,585,560 329.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNet x1.0 29.24 10.03 4,231,976 573.83M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.25 56.71 31.98 383,160 12.44M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x0.5 44.64 21.08 993,928 40.93M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
FD-MobileNet x1.0 35.95 14.73 2,901,288 146.08M From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.25 48.86 25.24 1,516,392 32.22M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.5 35.51 14.65 1,964,736 95.62M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x0.75 30.81 11.26 2,627,592 191.61M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)
MobileNetV2 x1.0 28.50 9.90 3,504,960 320.19M Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log)


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