The purpose of this repository is to showcase the catalog developed in MediaFutures, intended to support potential applicants for open calls, as well as participants in the residency and accelerator programme. The primary objective is to offer resources centered around data to facilitate experimentation and provide knowledge and experience in the socio-technical aspects of utilizing data for artistic and innovative projects. As such, we extend experiment support through granting access to data, technology, and expertise in domains relevant to the project. These domains encompass machine learning, human-centric AI, trustworthy AI, multimedia processing, data-driven journalism, media studies, as well as legal and ethical considerations related to data-driven innovation.
For comprehensive information about the catalogue's development and experiment support, please refer to:
- Aragon, P., Vicens, J., Simperl, E. and Hallam, V. (2021). Data, tools and infrastructure for experiment support.
- Vicens, J., Laniado, D., Thuermer, G. and Goodman, E. (2021), Report on training and experiment support v1.
- Vicens, J., Laniado, D., Mitike, Y., Thuermer, G., Temple, D., and Passani, A. (2022), Report on training and experiment support v2.
- Vicens, J., Laniado, D., Temple. D., Walker, J., Passani, A. and, Urzo F., (2023) Report on training and experiment support v3.
Complementing the data catalogue, MediaFutures draws on extensive know-how from both a research perspective and experience in running successful accelerators. MediaFutures further supports innovative experiments and provides training and mentoring for successful applicants. A compilation of all the insights generated throughout the program is available in the Data Innovation Toolkit,ensuring that these tools remain accessible beyond the project's lifetime.
The detailed information on the development of the toolkit is here:
- Julián Vicens (2020-2023)
- David Laniado (2020-2023)
- Pablo Aragón (2020-2021)
This repository was built as part of the MediaFutures project under EC grant agreement 951962. The information were written by the MediaFutures project consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.