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Personal blogging engine written in Go and Typescript.


The application is hosted as a set of containers running on Google Cloud Run.

architecture diagram for
  • server contains the logic that drives the back-end API layer (
    • auth authenticates / authorizes access to API resources
    • blog contains code that drives my personal blog
    • handlers contains the "glue" for exposing the API over HTTP
    • instance contains logic for starting an instance of the server
    • storage contains interfaces for interacting with application data stores
  • www contains front-end application views and serves HTML driven by server-rendered React components (
  • keycloak is the authentication / authorization server.

local development

the project uses Docker Compose to run containers for the front-end, api server, keycloak, and postgres locally.

initial setup

make the docker containers accessible through a named host by running the following commands in your shell:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

then add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

# Local Blog Development medhir

close out of the text editor and then run the following command to clear the local DNS cache:

sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

spinning up containers

once the host setup is complete, spinning up the project is done like so:

docker-compose up 

once the images are completely built, they will run and be accessible at the following:

  • front-end: http://medhir:3000
  • server: http://medhir:9000
  • keycloak: http://medhir:8080
  • postgres: http://medhir:5423

the www and server containers are both set up to hot reload whenever changes are made under their respective directories.

review deployments

Cloud Run is configured to trigger builds whenever a pull request is submitted to Github, as long as the pull request is named with the review- prefix.

Assuming the builds for the front-end and server are successful, the code changes in a PR will be available at the following links:

  • www:
  • server:

production deployments

Cloud Run will also trigger builds whenever a pull request is merged into the main branch. Pull requests should only be merged after validating they build successfully.

Production deployments are available at the following links:

  • www:
  • server:

database migrations

Changes to the database should be managed through .sql migrations. To create a new migration, run the following command at the directory root:

make migration name=<migration_name>

There will be two new migration files located at server/storage/sql/migrations. The up file moves the database forward a version, and down moves the database back a version.

The Go server will automatically migrate the database up to the most recent version once the migration file is present.