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Berkeley CS 162 Operating System, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley


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CS162 OS Sp20 Berkeley

Berkeley CS 162 Operating System, Spring 2020

Homework 0

RMS's gdb Debugger Tutorial

GDP practice
> gdb programname
(gdb) break main
(gdb) tbreak test.c:19 // temp break
(gdb) run arg1 "arg2" ...
(gdb) kill  // stop exec
(gdb) next   // step over
(gdb) x/s buf2  // examine variable
0x602080:	""
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function recur:
(gdb) si               // si/stepi , step into  machine instruction level
0x00000000004005d3	9	        return recur(i - 1);
(gdb) stepi
(gdb) info registers
rax            0x2	2
rbx            0x0	0

(gdb)info stack
(gdb)tbreak recurse.c:3 if i==0


(gdb) tbreak recurse.c:3
(gdb) condition  2 i==0
C: to get the maximum number of process, file descriptors, and so on...
#include <sys/resource.h>
int getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlp);
struct rlimit lim;

getrlimit( RLIMIT_STACK , &lim);
printf("stack size: %ld\n", lim.rlim_cur );

getrlimit( RLIMIT_NPROC , &lim);
printf("process limit: %ld\n", lim.rlim_cur);

getrlimit( RLIMIT_NOFILE , &lim);
printf("max file descriptors: %ld\n",  lim.rlim_cur);
  • ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), the object format used by Linux

    • gcc -C -> assemble code
    • gcc -c -> obj code
    • objdump -D disassemble all
    • objdump -t show symbol table
  • objdump symbol table

Symbol Table Details
00000000 l    df *ABS*	00000000 map.c
00000000 l    d  .text	00000000 .text
00000000 l    d  .data	00000000 .data
00000000 l    d  .bss	00000000 .bss
00000000 l    d  .note.GNU-stack	00000000 .note.GNU-stack
00000000 l    d  .eh_frame	00000000 .eh_frame
00000000 l    d  .comment	00000000 .comment
00000004       O *COM*	00000004 foo
00000000 g     O .data	00000004 stuff
00000000 g     F .text	00000052 main
00000000         *UND*	00000000 malloc
00000000         *UND*	00000000 recur
  • COLUMN ONE: the symbol's value
  • COLUMN TWO: a set of characters and spaces indicating the flag bits that are set on the symbol. There are seven groupings which are listed below:
    • group one: (l,g,,!) local, global, neither, both.
    • group two: (w,) weak or strong symbol.
    • group three: (C,) symbol denotes a constructor or an ordinary symbol.
    • group four: (W,) symbol is warning or normal symbol.
    • group five: (I,) indirect reference to another symbol or normal symbol.
    • group six: (d,D,) debugging symbol, dynamic symbol or normal symbol.
    • group seven: (F,f,O,) symbol is the name of function, file, object or normal symbol.
  • COLUMN THREE: the section in which the symbol lives, ABS means not associated with a certain section
  • COLUMN FOUR: the symbol's size or alignment.
  • COLUMN FIVE: the symbol's name.
list_entry macro: Converts pointer to list element LIST_ELEM into a pointer to the structure that LIST_ELEM is embedded inside
#define list_entry(LIST_ELEM, STRUCT, MEMBER)           \
        ((STRUCT *) ((uint8_t *) &(LIST_ELEM)->next     \
                     - offsetof (STRUCT,


     struct foo
         struct list_elem elem;
         int bar;
         ...other members...

    struct list foo_list;
    list_init (&foo_list);      

 struct list_elem *e; 
 for (e = list_begin (&foo_list); e != list_end (&foo_list);
      e = list_next (e))                        
     struct foo *f = list_entry (e, struct foo, elem); something with f...                  

container_of macro in linux kernel: explain container_of

#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({                      \
        const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);    \
        (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})

Taking this container for example:

struct container {
  int some_other_data;
  int this_data;

And a pointer int *my_ptr to the this_data member, you'd use the macro to get a pointer to struct container *my_container by using:

struct container *my_container;
my_container = container_of(my_ptr, struct container, this_data);


  1. TODO

  2. Lecture 2 Four Fundamental OS Concepts

    • Four Fundamental OS Concepts(2.13)
      1. Thread
        • Threads are virtual cores.
        • Contents of virtual core (thread):(2.20)
          • PC,SP,registers
        • Where is Thread ?(2.20)
          • On the real (physical) core, or
          • Saved in chunk of memory - called the Thread Control Block (TCB)
        • Each thread has its own TCB.
          • Processes start out with a single main thread.
          • The main thread can create new threads using a thread fork system call.
          • The new threads can also use this system call to create more threads.
        • How to switch threads?(2.21)
          • Saved PC, SP, ... in A thread's control block (memory)
          • Loaded PC, SP, ... from B's TCB, jumped to PC
      2. Address space
      3. Process
        • protected environment with multiple threads
        • code, data, files, ...
        • Where is kernel code/data in process ?(2.41)
          • unix: kernel space is mapped in high, but inaccessible to user processes.
        • PCB
          • Status (running, ready, blocked, ...)
          • Register state (when not ready)
          • Process ID (PID), User, Executable, Priority, ...
          • Execution time, ...
          • Memory space, translation, ...
      4. Dual mode operation / Protection
        • user mode -> syscall, interrupt, exception, exit -> kernel mode
        • kernel mode -> rtn, rti, exec -> user mode
    • OS Bottom Line: Run Programs(2.14)
      1. Load instruction and data segments of executable file into memory
      2. Create stack and heap
      3. “Transfer control to program”
      4. Provide services to program, While protecting OS and program
    • Q: Do all threads get equal amount of time ?
      • Yes, no, maybe. It dependds a lot on what you're trying to do. It's a scheduling problem.
    • OS -> load program -> relocate
    • Q: Does kill the parent process killed the child ?
      • No. The process family are tree structured. If a parent dies before the child oftentimes the child gets inherited by a the init process (with pid 1 ).
    • Q: zombie process
      • when a process dies, it will leave a data struct called zombie to wait its parenet process to finish relative information garthing.
      • if the parent didn't invoide wait(), waitpid() to finish its work, the zombie data will stay forever.
      • how 2 solve?
        signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);  // prevent zombie children
  3. Lexture 3 Process, syscall

    • Two-stack model (3.33)
      • OS thread has interrupt stack (located in kernel memory) plus User stack (located in user memory)
      • Syscall handler copies user args to kernel space before invoking specific function (e.g., open)
  4. Lexture 4 Processes_cont_Threads_Concurrency

    • socket is an abstraction of network I/O
    • socket setup over TCP/IP
      • server socket: Listens for new connection, and produces new sockets for each unique connection.
      • that is, there is 3 sockets involved.
  5. Lecture 5 Concurrency and Mutual Exclusion

    • all interrupts are asynchronous
    • A executing interrupt may be interrupted by another high priority interrupt. So there got to be several levels of interrupt stack.
    • Kernel threads vs User Threads
      • User threads and Kernel threads are exactly the same
      • A User thread is one that executes user-space code. But it can call into kernel space at any time. It's still considered a "User" thread, even though it's executing kernel code at elevated security levels.
      • A Kernel thread is one that ONLY runs kernel code and isn't associated with a user-space process.
      • In fact, all threads start off in kernel space, because the clone() operation happens in kernel space. (And there's lots of kernel accounting to do before you can 'return' to a new process in user space.)
    • User-Mode Threads
      • also called green thread
      • User program provides scheduler and htread package
      • May have serveral user threads per kernel thread
      • User threads may be scheduled non-preemptively (only switch on yield())
      • Cheap
    • Downside of user threads
      • When one thread blocks on I/O, all threads block
        • because I/O puts the kernel thread to sleep
      • Kernel cannot adjust scheduling among all threads
      • Option: Scheduler Activations
        • somehow, when you go into the kernel and go to sleep, the kernel is wise enough to pass up another kernel thread for you to use.
  6. 6 Synchronization_locks_Semaphores

    • Where are we going with synchronization?
      Where What
      Programs Shared Programs
      Higher-level API Locks, Semaphores, Monitors, Send/Receive
      Hardware Load/Store, Disalbe Ints, Test&Set(most architecture), Compare&Swap
    • we're going to implement various higher-level synchronization primitives using atomic operations
      • everything is painful if only atomic primitives are load and store
      • need to provide primitives useful at user-level
    • Atomic Read-Modify-Write Instructions
      • atomic instruction sequences
      • These instructions read a value and write a new value atomically
      • Hardware is responsible for implementing this correctly
    • Examples of Read-Modify-Write
      test&set (&address) {       /* most architectures */
          result = M[address];    // return result from “address” and    
          M[address] = 1;         // set value at “address” to 1
          return result;
      compare&swap (&address, reg1, reg2) {   /* 68000 */
          if (reg1 == M[address]) {   // If memory still == reg1,
              M[address] = reg2;      // then  put reg2 => memory
              return success;
          } else {                    // Otherwise do not change memory
              return failure;
      • Each has different usage scenarios
    • Using of Compare&Swap for queues
      • Here is an atomic add to linked-list function
      addToQueue(&object) {
          do {                //repeat until no conflict
              ld r1, M[root]  // Get ptr to current head
              st r1, M[object]  // Store the head of list into new object
          } until (compare&swap(&root,r1,object)); // unitl head pt is still pointing at the old guy
                                                   //   we quickly swap it in.
        • the solid line from New Object to the 1st elment is what the do body done
        • the dotted line from root to New Object is compare&swap
    • Implementing Locks with test&set
      int value = 0; // Free
      Acquire() {
         while (test&set(value)); // while busy
      Release() {
          value = 0;
      • Busy-Waiting: thread consumes cycles while waiting
        • For multiprocessors: every test&set() is a write, which makes value ping-pong around in cache (using lots of network BW)
      • Can we build test&set locks without busy-waiting?
        • Can’t entirely, but can minimize!
  7. 7 7_Semaphores_Monitors_ReadersWriters

    • Semaphores
      • can be initialized as a non-negative integer
      • 2 operations:
        • P(): wait if zero; decrement when non-zero,
          • P stands for 'proberen'(DUTCH) 尝试
        • V(): increment and wake a sleeping task(if exists)
          • V stands for 'verhogen'(DUTCH) 增加
      • from railway analogy
      • Mutual Exclusion (initial value = 1)
        • Also called "Binary Semaphore"
        • exactly behaving like locks that we talked about
        // Critical section goes here
        • something like sync.Mutex in GO
      • Scheduling Constraints (initial value = 0)
        • allow thread 1 to wait for a signal from thread 2
          • thread 2 schedules thread 1 when a given event occurs
          • it says, well, until some resource becomes available, we are able to sleep on this semaphore.
        // example: suppose you had to implement ThreadJoin which must wait for thread to terminate
        Initial value of semaphore = 0
        ThreadJoin {
            semaphore.P(); // e.g. parent thread sleep
        ThreadFinish {
            semaphore.V(); // e.g. child thread finish
        • something like channel in GO
      • Bounded Buffer implemented by Semaphores
        Semaphore fullSlots = 0; // Initially, no coke
        Semaphore emptySlots = bufSize; // Initially, num empty slots 
        Semaphore mutex = 1; // No one using machine
        Producer(item) {
            emptySlots.P();  // 1 Wait until space
            mutex.P();   // 2 Wait until machine free
            fullSlots.V(); // Tell consumers there is more cok
        Consumer() {
            fullSlots.P(); // 1 Check if there’s a coke
            mutex.P();   // 2 Wait until machine free
            item = Dequeue(); 
            emptySlots.V();  // tell producer need more
            return item;
      • Problem is that semaphores are dual purpose.
        • used for both mutex and scheduling constraints
        • the order of P's (statement 1 and 2 ) is important, exchanging them will cause deadlock. How do you prove correctness to someone?
      • Cleaner idea: use lock for mutual exclusion and condition variables for scheduling constraints.
    • Monitor (better than semaphore)
      • a lock and 0 or more condition variables for managing concurrent access to shared data
        • some languages like Java provide this natively
        • Most others use actual locks and condition variables
      • paradigm for concurrent programming !
      • Q: how do we change the consumer() routine to wait until something is on the queue ?
        • we could do this by keeping a count of the number of items on the queue(with semaphores), but error prone.
      • Condition Variables: a queue of threads waiting for something inside a critical section
        • key idea: allow sleeping inside critical section by atomically release lock at time we go to sleep.
        • CONTRAST to semaphores: semaphores can't wait inside critical section because you can not sleep with a lock (will cause deadlock)
          • But condition variables are very special items whose explicit use pattern is to sleep inside a critical section.
        • Operations:
          • Wait(&lock): Atomically release lock and go to sleep.
            • Re-acquire lock later, before returning
          • Signal(): wake up one waiter on the condition variable, if any
          • Broadcast(): wake up all waiters on the conditon variable
        • Rule: MUST hold lock when doing condition variable ops!
        • sync.Cond in golang
      • Lock: the lock provides mutual exclusion to shared data
        • Always acquire before accessing shared data structure
        • Always release after finishing with shared data
        • Lock initially free
      • Here is an (infinite) synchronized queue:
        lock buf_lock; // Initially unlocked
        condition buf_CV; // Initially empty
        queue queue;
        Producer(item) {
            acquire(&buf_lock); // Get Lock
            enqueue(&queue,item); // Add item
            cond_signal(&buf_CV); // * Signal any waiters
            release(&buf_lock);   // Release Lock
        Consumer() {
            acquire(&buf_lock);  // Get Lock
            // don't think about there ever being a point in which 
            //   you interacts without the lock at that point
            // nobody can be inside this critical section while I am.
            // why while loop ?
            //   when a thread is woken up by signal(), it is simply put on the ready queue
            //   another thread could be scheduled first and 'sneak in'
            //   need a loop to re-check condition on wakeup
            while (isEmpty(&queue)) {
                cond_wait(&buf_CV, &buf_lock); // * If empty, sleep
            item = dequeue(&queue);  // et next item
            release(&buf_lock);  // Release Lock
      • Circular Buffer (Monitors, pthread-like)
        lock buf_lock = <initially unlocked> 
        condition producer_CV = <initially empty> 
        condition consumer_CV = <initially empty>
        Producer(item) {
            while (buffer full) { cond_wait(&producer_CV, &buf_lock); }
        Consumer() {
            while (buffer empty) { cond_wait(&consumer_CV, &buf_lock); }
            item = dequeue();
            return item;
    • Readers/Writers Problem
      • it's going to show the real power of the monitor programming paradigm.
      • using a single mutex lock is not efficient when there are many readers and less writers
      • Correctness Constraints:
        • Readers can access database when no writers
        • Writers can access database when no readers or writers
        • Only one thread manipulates state variables at a time
          • the state variables are policy variables, they're the things that are going to be protected by the monitor lock.
      • sync.RWMutex in golang
    • Basic Monitor Structure
      while (need to wait) {  // check and/or update state variables
          condvar.wait();     // wait if necessory
      do something so no need to wait
      condvar.signal(); // check and/or update state vars
  8. Introduction to I/O Sockets Networking

    • kernel buffered reads/writes
      • always keep in mind when I write some data to a file it may still be memory in the kernel and not on disk. So did a write system call doesn't mean the data is permanent and you have to make sure that you do the right soft of flushing and syncing to make this work.
      • fflush() flushes user mode buffers to the OS.
      • fsync() flushes the OS buffers to disk. It would be prudent to do both (if performance is acceptable)
    • What's below the surface ?
      Applicaiton Services c
      High Level I/O streams fopen/fclose/..., library call
      Low Level I/O handles open/creat/close/read/write/sync/..., actually system calls
      Syscal registers linux syscall reference
      File System descriptors
      I/O Driver Commands and Data transfers
      · Disk, Flash, Controllers, DMA
    • The file descriptor space is unique for process.
    • Life Cycle of An I/O Request
      • User Program
      • Kernel I/O Sybsystem
      • Device Driver Top Half
      • Device Driver Bottom Half
      • Device Hardward
  9. Sockets Networking Con't

  10. Schedule Con't

    • FIFO / RR
      • short tasks really do get moved around based on scheduling, while the long ones don't really care based on scheduling.
      • the lesson for that is, maybe if we gave some preference to the short ones, we would get more responsiveness without really interrupting the long ones.
    • Strict Priority Scheduling: always execute highest-priority runable jobs to completion
      • problmes:
        • sartvation
        • deadlock: Priority Inversion
          • Not strictly a problem with priority scheduling, but happens when low priority task has lock needed by high-priority task.
          • Usually involves third, intermediate priority task that keeps running even though high-priority task should be running
            • a high priority one trying to grab the lock, a low priority one has the lock, and then somebody in the middle shows up and they just run, and compute π.
      • how to fix problems?
        • dynamic priority
          • on longer do pure priority-based things.
          • adjust base-level priority up or down based on heuristics about interactivity, locking, burst behavior, etc...
    • Linux Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS)
      • “CFS doesn't track sleeping time and doesn't use heuristics to identify interactive tasks—it just makes sure every process gets a fair share of CPU within a set amount of time given the number of runnable processes on the CPU.”
      • Inspired by Networking “Fair Queueing”
        • Each process given their fair share of resources
        • Models an “ideal multitasking processor” in which N processes execute simultaneously as if they truly got 1/N of the processor
          • Tries to give each process an equal fraction of the processor
        • Priorities reflected by weights such that increasing a task’s priority by 1 always gives the same fractional increase in CPU time – regardless of current priority.
      • Idea: track amount of “virtual time” received by each process when it is executing ( details in PDF )
  11. Scheduling(finish),Deadlock,Address Translation

    • Techniques for Preventing Deadlock
      • Make all threads request everything they’ll need at the beginning.
        • Problem: Predicting future is hard, tend to over-estimate resources
      • Force all threads to request resources in a particular order preventing any cyclic use of resources
    • Banker’s Algorithm for Avoiding Deadlock
      • Toward right idea:
        • State maximum (max) resource needs in advance
        • Allow particular thread to proceed if:
          • (available resources - #requested) >= max remaining that might be needed by any thread
      • Banker’s algorithm (less conservative):
        • Allocate resources dynamically
          • Evaluate each request and grant if some ordering of threads is still deadlock free afterward
          • Technique: pretend each request is granted, then run deadlock detection algorithm, substituting
            • (Maxnode - Allocnode ≤ Avail) for ( Requestnode ≤ Avail )
            • Grant request if result is deadlock free (conservative!)
    • Banker’s algorithm with dining lawyers
      • “Safe” (won’t cause deadlock) if when try to grab chopstick either:
        • Not last chopstick
        • Is last chopstick but someone will have two afterwards
      • What if k-handed lawyers? Don’t allow if:
        • It’s the last one, no one would have k
        • It’s 2nd to last, and no one would have k-1
        • It’s 3rd to last, and no one would have k-2
        • ...
  12. Address Translation & Virtual Memory

    • What happens when processor reads or writes to an address?
      • Perhaps acts like regular memory
      • Perhaps causes I/O operation
        • (Memory-mapped I/O)
        • certain ranges of addresses actually go off the bus and go out to I/O.
      • Causes program to abort (segfault) ?
        • you mark certain parts of the page table as read only, and when you write to it, it aborts.
      • Communicate with another program
      • ...
    • Physical Reality: Different Processes/Threads share the same hardware
      • Need to multiplex CPU (Just finished: scheduling)
      • Need to multiplex use of Memory (starting today)
      • Need to multiplex disk and devices (later in term)
    • Why worry about memory sharing?
      • The complete working state of a process and/or kernel is defined by its data in memory (and registers)
      • Consequently, cannot just let different threads of control use the same memory
        • Physics: two different pieces of data cannot occupy the same locations in memory
      • Probably don’t want different threads to even have access to each other’s memory if in different processes (protection)
    • Recall: Single and Multithreaded Processes
      • Threads encapsulate concurrency
        • “Active” component of a process
      • Address spaces encapsulate protection
        • Keeps buggy program from trashing the system
        • “Passive” component of a process
  13. Address Translation Con't, Caching, TLBs

    • TLB: Translation Look-Aside Buffer
  14. Caching and TLBs (Finished), Demand Paging

    • Demaind Paging is a type of caching...
  15. Demain Paging

  16. Demond Paging(finish), General I/O

  17. Performance, Storage Devices, Queueing Theory

  18. Queueing Theory(Con't), Disk Scheduling, FileSystems

  19. File Systems (Con’t), MMAP, Buffer Cache

  20. Filesystems (Con’t) Reliability, Transactions

  21. Filesystem Transactions (Con’t), End-to-End Argument, Distributed Decision Making

  22. Distributed Decision Making (Finished), TCP/IP Networking, RPC

    • General Paradox
      • 2PC: two Phase commit
    • Byzantine General's Problem ( n players)
      • One General and n-1 Lieutenants
      • Some number of these(f) can be insane or malicious
      • Impossibility Results
        • Cannot solve Byzantine General's Problem with n=3 because one malicious player can mess up things.
        • with f faults , need n > 3f to solve problem.
  23. Networking (Con’t), Distributed File Systems, Key-Value stores

    • CAP Theorem
      • Consistency:
        • Changes appear to everyone in the same serial order
        • when one client does a write, when does it appear to the other clients ?
      • Availability
        • Can get a result at any time
        • service availability, storage availability
      • Partition-Tolerance
        • System continues to work even when network becomes partitioned
    • CAP: Cannot have all three at same time !
      • Otherwise known as "Brewer's Theorem"
  24. Distributed Storage, Key Value Stores, Chord


Berkeley CS 162 Operating System, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley







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