- Specification
- 2A03 = 6502 + audio
- 8-bit
- no builtin memory
- 16-bit bus, can address 64k
- Memory
- connect to CPU via bus
- mapped to $0000-$07FF
- mapped to $4000-$4017
- Cartrige
- mapped to $4020-$FFFF , to the end.
- Specification
- 2C02
- mapped to $2000-$2007
- has its own bus, can address 16k
- Graphics Memory (mapping from cartridge)
- 8k, PPU $0000-$1FFF
- VRam
- 2k
- PPU $2000-$27FF
- Palettes
- PPU $3F00-$3FFF
- Object Attribute Memory (OAM)
- is NOT available via any bus
- feed CPU & PPU
- every clock tick
- PPU output a pixel to screen