Add simple access logs to any http or https server. This version was forked from the original here.
It was modified to make the default log output closer to the typical apache access logs. It also uses util.log
as opposed to
for the original.
var http = require('http');
var accesslog = require('access-log');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
accesslog(req, res);
}).listen(80, '');
This will automatically log requests as they come in to the web server that look like... GET 200 /testing (0ms) GET 200 /index.html (0ms) GET 200 /projects (0ms)
You can pass in a format string, the default is
:ip :method :statusCode ":url" (:deltams)
- The request method (POST|HEAD|GET|DELETE|PUT, etc.):statusCode
- The response status code sent from the server:url
- The requested URL:delta
- The latency from request to response in ms:ip
- The remote IP
You can also pass in your own custom callback, the default is console.log. The only argument passed is the access log string
var format = 'url=":url" method=":method" statusCode=":statusCode" delta=":delta" ip=":ip"';
accesslog(req, res, format, function(s) {
url="/projects" method="GET" statusCode="200" delta="0" ip=""
url="/testing" method="GET" statusCode="200" delta="1" ip=""
url="/index.html" method="GET" statusCode="200" delta="0" ip=""
npm install access-log
Consider further customizing the access logs by using the [log-timestamp] ( module to prepend a timestamp automatically.
MIT Licensed