In this example, we show how to inference, finetune and evaluate the baai-general-embedding.
- with pip
pip install -U FlagEmbedding
- from source
git clone
cd FlagEmbedding
pip install .
For development, install as editable:
pip install -e .
We have provided the inference code for two types of models: the embedder and the reranker. These can be loaded using FlagAutoModel
and FlagAutoReranker
, respectively. For more detailed instructions on their use, please refer to the documentation for the embedder and reranker.
from FlagEmbedding import FlagAutoModel
sentences_1 = ["样例数据-1", "样例数据-2"]
sentences_2 = ["样例数据-3", "样例数据-4"]
model = FlagAutoModel.from_finetuned('BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5',
devices=['cuda:0']) # Setting use_fp16 to True speeds up computation with a slight performance degradation
embeddings_1 = model.encode_corpus(sentences_1)
embeddings_2 = model.encode_corpus(sentences_2)
similarity = embeddings_1 @ embeddings_2.T
# for s2p(short query to long passage) retrieval task, suggest to use encode_queries() which will automatically add the instruction to each query
# corpus in retrieval task can still use encode_corpus(), since they don't need instruction
queries = ['query_1', 'query_2']
passages = ["样例文档-1", "样例文档-2"]
q_embeddings = model.encode_queries(queries)
p_embeddings = model.encode_corpus(passages)
scores = q_embeddings @ p_embeddings.T
from FlagEmbedding import FlagAutoReranker
pairs = [("样例数据-1", "样例数据-3"), ("样例数据-2", "样例数据-4")]
model = FlagAutoReranker.from_finetuned('BAAI/bge-reranker-large',
devices=['cuda:0']) # Setting use_fp16 to True speeds up computation with a slight performance degradation
similarity = model.compute_score(pairs, normalize=True)
pairs = [("query_1", "样例文档-1"), ("query_2", "样例文档-2")]
scores = model.compute_score(pairs)
We support fine-tuning a variety of BGE series models, including bge-large-en-v1.5
, bge-m3
, bge-en-icl
, bge-multilingual-gemma2
, bge-reranker-v2-m3
, bge-reranker-v2-gemma
, and bge-reranker-v2-minicpm-layerwise
, among others. As examples, we use the basic models bge-large-en-v1.5
and bge-reranker-large
. For more details, please refer to the embedder and reranker sections.
If you do not have the deepspeed
and flash-attn
packages installed, you can install them with the following commands:
pip install deepspeed
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 \
-m FlagEmbedding.finetune.embedder.encoder_only.base \
--model_name_or_path BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 \
--cache_dir ./cache/model \
--train_data ./finetune/embedder/example_data/retrieval \
--cache_path ./cache/data \
--train_group_size 8 \
--query_max_len 512 \
--passage_max_len 512 \
--pad_to_multiple_of 8 \
--query_instruction_for_retrieval 'Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ' \
--query_instruction_format '{}{}' \
--knowledge_distillation False \
--output_dir ./test_encoder_only_base_bge-large-en-v1.5 \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--learning_rate 1e-5 \
--fp16 \
--num_train_epochs 1 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 2 \
--dataloader_drop_last True \
--warmup_ratio 0.1 \
--gradient_checkpointing \
--deepspeed ./finetune/ds_stage0.json \
--logging_steps 1 \
--save_steps 1000 \
--negatives_cross_device \
--temperature 0.02 \
--sentence_pooling_method cls \
--normalize_embeddings True \
--kd_loss_type kl_div
torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 \
-m FlagEmbedding.finetune.reranker.encoder_only.base \
--model_name_or_path BAAI/bge-reranker-large \
--cache_dir ./cache/model \
--train_data ./finetune/reranker/example_data/normal/examples.jsonl \
--cache_path ./cache/data \
--train_group_size 8 \
--query_max_len 256 \
--passage_max_len 256 \
--pad_to_multiple_of 8 \
--knowledge_distillation False \
--output_dir ./test_encoder_only_base_bge-reranker-large \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--learning_rate 6e-5 \
--fp16 \
--num_train_epochs 1 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 2 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
--dataloader_drop_last True \
--warmup_ratio 0.1 \
--gradient_checkpointing \
--weight_decay 0.01 \
--deepspeed ./finetune/ds_stage0.json \
--logging_steps 1 \
--save_steps 1000
We support evaluations on MTEB, BEIR, MSMARCO, MIRACL, MLDR, MKQA, AIR-Bench, and custom datasets. Below is an example of evaluating MSMARCO passages. For more details, please refer to the evaluation examples.
pip install pytrec_eval
pip install
python -m FlagEmbedding.evaluation.msmarco \
--eval_name msmarco \
--dataset_dir ./data/msmarco \
--dataset_names passage \
--splits dev dl19 dl20 \
--corpus_embd_save_dir ./data/msmarco/corpus_embd \
--output_dir ./data/msmarco/search_results \
--search_top_k 1000 \
--rerank_top_k 100 \
--cache_path ./cache/data \
--overwrite True \
--k_values 10 100 \
--eval_output_method markdown \
--eval_output_path ./data/msmarco/ \
--eval_metrics ndcg_at_10 mrr_at_10 recall_at_100 \
--embedder_name_or_path BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 \
--embedder_batch_size 512 \
--embedder_query_max_length 512 \
--embedder_passage_max_length 512 \
--reranker_name_or_path BAAI/bge-reranker-v2-m3 \
--reranker_batch_size 512 \
--reranker_query_max_length 512 \
--reranker_max_length 1024 \
--devices cuda:0 cuda:1 cuda:2 cuda:3 cuda:4 cuda:5 cuda:6 cuda:7 \
--cache_dir ./cache/model