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Depth to magnetic basement beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf

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This repository accompanies our 2022 Geophysical Research Letters article Basement topography and sediment thickness beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf, which can be accessed here.

Here we document our scientific workflow in a Jupyter notebook, present our gridded results as netCDF files, and showcase our figures created using PyGMT.

The main body of this work centers on the Werner deconvolution of airborne magnetics data from a 10km grid of flight line data (ROSETTA-Ice) over the Ross Ice Shelf. The deconvolution and subsequent filtering/binning of the results give a magnetic basement surface, which represents to contact between non-magnetic sediments/sedimentary rocks and underlying crystalline basement. These results are also hosted at PANGAEA.

To view the main notebook without downloading it use


Download a copy of this repository

Option 1: use git to clone this to you computer.
If you have windows, download Git-bash (through Git for windows). In the command prompt enter:

git clone

Option 2: Click the green button above and download the .zip file.
Unzip the folder where you want the repository stored.

Setup Python and conda environment

If you don't have Python setup on your machine, I suggest downloading mini-forge which is a easy-install, open-source alternative to Anaconda for using Python.

Next you need to create a new environement and download the necessary Python packages, using the .yml file.

In miniforge prompt, cd into the RIS_basement_sediment folder:

cd RIS_basement_sediment

and enter the following: (replace "my_env" with a new name, I used "basement")

conda env create --name my_env -f basement.yml

Now add a kernel for this environment to Jupyter lab. In miniforge prompt:

ipython kernel install --name my_env

If this gives an error enter the following and retry:

conda install ipython jupyter 

Running Jupyter lab

In miniforge prompt

activate pygmt06
jupyter lab

Open the Tankersley2022_GRL.ipynb to follow through our workflow. Use the Table of Contents button on the left to show the notebook outline. Note there are a few files needed to be downloaded seperately, as shown in the notebook.


This Geophysical Research Letters paper can be cited with the following citation or BibTex code:

Tankersley, M. D., Horgan, H. J., Siddoway, C. S., Caratori Tontini, F., & Tinto, K. J. (2022). Basement topography and sediment thickness beneath Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf imaged with airborne magnetic data. Geophysical Research Letters.

  title = {Basement Topography and Sediment Thickness beneath {{Antarctica}}'s {{Ross Ice Shelf}} Imaged with Airborne Magnetic Data},
  author = {Tankersley, M.D. and Horgan, H. J. and Siddoway, C. S. and Caratori Tontini, F. and Tinto, K. J.},
  year = {2022},
  journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}