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Evernote and Gist

Gist Evernote Importer

Relies of the Evernote gem, Typhoeus, and Datamapper to quickly import and keep your gists up to date inside of Evernote.


I use evernote for saving things like receipts and business cards, and random digital cruft I accumulate over the course of my day.

The only thing missing was my Github Gists. For that matter, Gists in general are a great way to stash code snippets, but have no means of searching.

Evernote on the other hand has great search capabilities, but TERRIBLE support for code snippets.

This project tries to rectify the situation by creating a one direction sync of your Github gists to an evernote Notebook of your choosing.


Installation requires the bundle gem, curl, git, ruby-dev, make, libsqlite3-dev and an editor such as vim e.g. (on Ubuntu 14.04):

apt-get update
apt-get install -y curl git ruby-dev make libsqlite3-dev vim
gem install bundle --no-rdoc --no-ri


First, get an API token from Evernote. This will let you access just your account.

git clone
cd GistEvernoteImport
bundle install
bundle exec ruby setup.rb #Follow the instructions
bundle exec ruby import.rb

If anything in your gists change, this will automatically update to appropriate note in Evernote with the information on the next run.

Using it with Docker

# Create a directory to store the config and database
mkdir $HOME/.gistevernote
# Pull the latest docker build
docker pull mpercival/gistevernote
#Setup your credentials - will be written to /app/data/config.yml
docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.gistevernote:/app/data mpercival/gistevernote bundle exec setup.rb
# Run it
docker run --rm -v $HOME/.gistevernote:/app/data mpercival/gistevernote

Docker warning

The sqlfile located at /app/data/db.sql is necessary to keep the state of your sync'd gists. Therefore this image should only be run in from one container, otherwise you'll end up with duplicate Evernote notes.

If this happens, you can simple delete /app/data/db.sql along with your Evernote gist notebook and rerun the process to start over.


There's a sqlite database storing the Gist, the Evernote Guid, and the current hash of all the files. Any changes to the gist makes the hash invalid, which then updates the Evernote note with the matching Guid.


Import your gists to Evernote for searching







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