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File metadata and controls

172 lines (151 loc) · 5.09 KB

Snippet 1 - Install and import Azure modules

Install-Module -Name Az
Install-Module -Name Az.MonitoringSolutions
Import-Module -Name Az,Az.MonitoringSolutions

Snippet 2 - Set the variables for the Azure resources to create

$SubscriptionId = 'The GUID of your Azure subscription'
$DateString = (Get-Date).ToString('yyMMddHHmm')
$ResourceGroupName = 'PoshAutomate'
$WorkspaceName = 'poshauto' + $DateString
$AutomationAccountName = 'poshauto' + $DateString
$StorageAccountName = 'poshauto' + $DateString
$AutomationLocation = 'SouthCentralUS'
$WorkspaceLocation = 'SouthCentralUS'

Snippet 3 - Connect to Azure

Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionId

Snippet 4 - Create the resource group

New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $AutomationLocation

Snippet 5 - Create the Log Analytics workspace, Azure Automation account, and Storage account inside the resource group

$WorkspaceParams = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	Name              = $WorkspaceName
	Location          = $WorkspaceLocation
New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace @WorkspaceParams

$AzAutomationAccount = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	Name              = $AutomationAccountName
	Location          = $AutomationLocation
	Plan              = 'Basic'
New-AzAutomationAccount @AzAutomationAccount

$AzStorageAccount = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	AccountName       = $StorageAccountName
	Location          = $AutomationLocation
	SkuName           = 'Standard_LRS'
	AccessTier        = 'Cool'
New-AzStorageAccount @AzStorageAccount

Snippet 6 - Add the Azure Automation solution to the Log Analytics workspace

$WorkspaceParams = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	Name              = $WorkspaceName
$workspace = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace @WorkspaceParams

$AzMonitorLogAnalyticsSolution = @{
	Type                = 'AzureAutomation'
	ResourceGroupName   = $ResourceGroupName
	Location            = $workspace.Location
	WorkspaceResourceId = $workspace.ResourceId
New-AzMonitorLogAnalyticsSolution @AzMonitorLogAnalyticsSolution

Snippet 7 - Create a managed identity and give it contributor access to the storage account

$AzStorageAccount = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	AccountName       = $StorageAccountName
$storage = Get-AzStorageAccount @AzStorageAccount

$AzAutomationAccount = @{
	ResourceGroupName     = $ResourceGroupName
	AutomationAccountName = $AutomationAccountName
	AssignSystemIdentity  = $true
$Identity = Set-AzAutomationAccount @AzAutomationAccount

$AzRoleAssignment = @{
	ObjectId           = $Identity.Identity.PrincipalId
	Scope              = $storage.Id
	RoleDefinitionName = "Contributor"
New-AzRoleAssignment @AzRoleAssignment

Snippet 8 - Get the keys for the MMA Agent and hybrid worker registration

$InsightsWorkspace = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	Name              = $WorkspaceName
$Workspace = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace @InsightsWorkspace

$WorkspaceSharedKey = @{
	ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
	Name              = $WorkspaceName
$WorspaceKeys = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceSharedKey @WorkspaceSharedKey

$AzAutomationRegistrationInfo = @{
	ResourceGroupName     = $ResourceGroupName
	AutomationAccountName = $AutomationAccountName
$AutomationReg = Get-AzAutomationRegistrationInfo @AzAutomationRegistrationInfo
`$WorkspaceID = '$($Workspace.CustomerId)'
`$WorkSpaceKey = '$($WorspaceKeys.PrimarySharedKey)'
`$AutoURL = '$($AutomationReg.Endpoint)'
`$AutoKey = '$($AutomationReg.PrimaryKey)'

Snippet 9 - Install Az modules on the Hybrid Runbook Worker

Install-Module -Name Az -Scope AllUsers

Snippet 10 - Upload local ps1 file to Azure Automation as a runbook

$AzAutomationRunbook = @{
	Path                  = 'C:\Path\Upload-ZipToBlob.ps1'
	ResourceGroupName     = $ResourceGroupName
	AutomationAccountName = $AutomationAccountName
	Type                  = 'PowerShell'
	Name                  = 'Upload-ZipToBlob'
	Force                 = $true
$import = Import-AzAutomationRunbook @AzAutomationRunbook

Snippet 11 - Creating Azure Automation variables

$AutoAcct = @{
	ResourceGroupName     = $ResourceGroupName
	AutomationAccountName = $AutomationAccountName
	Encrypted             = $true
$Variable = @{
	Name  = 'ZipStorage_AccountName'
	Value = $StorageAccountName
New-AzAutomationVariable @AutoAcct @Variable

$Variable = @{
    Name  = 'ZipStorage_SubscriptionID'
    Value = $SubscriptionID
New-AzAutomationVariable @AutoAcct @Variable

$Variable = @{
    Name  = 'ZipStorage_ResourceGroup'
    Value = $ResourceGroupName
New-AzAutomationVariable @AutoAcct @Variable

Snippet 12 - Importing the value of an automation variable in a runbook

$SubscriptionID = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'ZipStorage_SubscriptionID'